Student Scholarship

Student Scholarship


Scholarship from Lindenwood University students.


Events from 2024

Lack of Asymmetries in Collegiate Male Volleyball Athletes During Bilateral Athletic Shoulder Test, Leah Allen

Pizza Night, Arianna Amann

Stuck in the Middle: A History of Lesbians in St. Louis, Madelyn Augustine

A Discrete Analogue for Jacobi Polynomials, Drew Barnes


Optimal Control for Delayed Nanoparticle Dosing Models Using Conformable Derivatives, Drew Barnes, Micah Duffield, and Abi Waters


Youth In Need Data Analysis, Drew Barnes, Ryan Eckman, and Abi Waters


Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness Practices on Positive Habit Formation and Individual Well-being: A Literature Review, Lori Barnes


Empirical insights into AI-assisted game development: A case study on the integration of generative AI tools in creative pipelines, Andrew Begemann and James Hutson

Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Effects on Allotment Laws, Belle Biswell

Mary Sibley: Female Activism and Self-Worth in an Evangelical Protestant Context, Yamilet Bravo-Ayala

The Making of Survivor: Chopin's Use of Identity and Rebirth in The Awakening, Amber Budd


The Changes in Oral Flora After Oral Hygiene, Brooklyn Bumbales


Effects of Gibberellin on Stem Elongation, Annamarie Busch, Bryce McQuerrey, Guillermo Bilbao Olarreaga, Duncan Krige, and Eduan Van Herrden


Crash Analysis for Lake St. Louis Police Department, Anna Carter, Melisa Murillo, Joseph E. Smith, and Mackenzie Holmes


The Influence of Social Media on the Political Identification of Generation Z, Addison Cates

Effects of Performance Anxiety on Athletic Identity in Diverse College Athletes, Carina Chalmers

The New Hierarchy of Needs, Seth Dillard

Partisan Polarization in Congress: Unraveling the Impact of Affective Tribalism on Legislative Gridlock, Taylor Dockins

Mental Health of University Students in Japan and the United States, Mary Fitzgerald


Gibberellic Acid Influence on Mutant Millets: An Exploration of Effects, Fokam Felix Thierry Foading, Kennedy Femmer, Blake Reiger, and Matthew Turray


Research Proposal: Examination of Bacterial Communities in Soil Beneath Decaying Organic Matter and the Effect of Insect Succession, Olivia Fotiadis


The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Personality, Mandy Galli

Mary Easton Sibley's Education and the Influence of 19th Century Social Movements, Andrea Gentry


Language Acquisition: Which Factors Make It Easier to Learn Another Language?, Johanna Gref


Understanding the Relationship Between Choice of Pet and Priorities in an Intimate Relationship - A Research Proposal, Kaitlyn Guthrie


Growth in Response to Gibberellin in Setaria Viridis Mutants, Jayla Hampton, Rain Hongsermeier-Baxter, Joseph E. Smith, Seth Baur, and Brooke Gawlick


Effect of Weekly and Triweekly Application of Growth Hormone Gibberellin on Dwarf Millet Plants, Holly Harding, Kendall Klewer, DeLanee Miller, Therie Moore, and Clara Gallapoo


The Development of an Electrochemistry Experiment for Analytical Chemistry, Kaitlin Hickman

Behind the Novel: The Legend of the Draconian Caves, Hanna Hollis


The Conformable Information Filter, Sophia Hungerford and Joseph E. Smith


Embracing AI in English Composition: Insights and Innovations in Hybrid Pedagogical Practices, James Hutson, Daniel Plate, and Kadence Berry


Evaluating the Impact of Cyber Seniors on the Mental Health and Connection of College Students, Paige Julius

Deaf Culture in Japan versus the United States, Sarah Jungmeyer

ADHD, Katherine Keller and Cory Fagyas


Gaining Cultural Competency Through Partnering with the University of Mosul, Kara Kimery


Hester Prynne: The Angel Pioneer of Sin & Punishment (A Poetry Collection Inspired by "The Scarlet Letter"), Raya Kruger


An Exploration of Companion Robots, Annelyse Lockhart

Leaps and Bounds, John Malnor


Sorority Life at Lindenwood College: 1905-1921, Sarah Marian

Impact of Media Representation on Self-Esteem and Identity Satisfaction, Hailey Markowitz, Raphaëlle Margueron, and Lydia Jenkins


A Comparison of Japanese and American Tattoos, Zachary Martin


A review of applied behavior analysis within the criminal justice system, Emily McDonald and Robbie Hanson

Peak Match Running Demands in Collegiate Women’s Soccer Athletes, Katelyn McGrail

Orthodox Help Orthodox, No Matter the Issue, No Matter the Cost, Nemanja Medan


Satisfaction, Awareness, and Utilization of Tutoring at Lindenwood, Melissa Megathlin and Matthew Sherman


Unraveling Gibberellic Acid's Impact on Plant Growth: Insights from Dwarf Millet Varieties, Brandy Miskell, Jacob Campagna, Alyssa Lambert, Dean Palmer, and Bruno Ninez


BRIDGing Our Stories, Aniah Moore

The Innovation of Modern Technological App within Student Scholarships, Katt Mossinghoff, Kevin Miller, Brendan Schoeberl, and Sara Ben Aba


Longitudinal Dynamic Strength Index Profiling in Collegiate Olympic Weightlifters Preparing for National Competition, Jose Mostaffa


Using GIS Applications to Monitor Post Ohio Train Derailment, Lillian Nix

Reformation or Execution: Healthcare Behind Bars, Elijah Northcutt

Food Preference of Discoid Roaches, Claire O'Brien and Thierry Foeding


Tracing the Path: Exploring the Drivers Behind Venezuelan Migration Waves, Sofia Hernandez Otero


Garden of Eden: Gender Integration and Counterculture at Lindenwood, Brennan Overmann

Exploring Eyewitness Testimony, Allyson Phillips


Translating Poetry as a Poet through the Lyrics of Hermann Hesse, Ethan Plate


Samuel Stuart Watson: The Unsung Hero of Lindenwood, Joseph Powers

Creating the Illusion of Spiral Betty, Charlie Ray

Lucy Wortham James and the Gospel of Wealth: A Case Study of Philanthropic Attitudes and Endeavors in Rural Missouri, Jacob Rinehart

Speeding Towards Disaster: Participating in Advanced Coursework and Early Onset Burnout, Faith Salamone


Pilot Project: Plant Hormones and Soil Bacterial Populations in Plant Growth Enhancement, Ada Sardana Sambola


To What Extent Did Karl Marx's Political Thought Influence the Occupy Wall Street Movement in the 21st Century?, Madalyn Schroeder

Sensation and Perception Illusion: Fractal St. Louis Skyline, Matthew Sherman and Mutsumi Yuki

Effect of Sleep Duration and Quality on External Workload in Women's Collegiate Lacrosse Athletes, Paige Sutton

From Your POV: Gender and Assertiveness as Predictors of Sexual Health Behaviors, Zoë Sweaney

Elsewhere: A Millennial Travel Memoir, Michelle Trantham


Symptom scale for anxiety and depression disorders (ESTAD): psychometric properties and sociodemographic profile in Peruvian university students, Nicolás Valle-Palomino, Danae de Lourdes Talledo-Sebedón, Mirtha Mercedes Fernández-Mantilla, Boris Ricardo Córdova-Cánova, Miguel Ángel Saldarriaga-Villar, María de Fátima Montero-Chuyes, Brunella Orlandini-Valle, Mariana Belén Carrera-Risco, Favio André Reyes-Quezada, and Óscar Manuel Vela-Miranda


Politics, institutional corruption, and their impact on sustainable development: Perspectives from university students in Peru, Óscar Manuel Vela-Miranda, Alberto Remaycuna-Vasquez, Danae de Lourdes Talledo-Sebedón, Brunella Orlandini-Valle, Natividad Marina Espíritu Salinas, and Nicolás Valle-Palomino


Mechanisms of Genetic Dwarfism in Dwarf Millet Genotypes, Holly Willett, Savannah Jones, Rashmi Aryal, Therese West, and Maddelyne Wright


Spellmann & Sports, Adam Withington


Artistic Identities in Japan and the United States in the 19th-20th Centuries, Mutsumi Yuki

Opinions on Coaching Related to Gender, Katelynn Zucco

Showcase Entries from 2023

Demonstration in Free Music Improvisation Practices, Nicholas Alcorn


The Awakening’s Edna Pontellier, Female Companionship, and the Sea, Mary Aldrich


One in the Same + The Fated Goal of Gatsby, Luke Anderson


Assessment of Muscular Anatomical and Physiological Development During Injury Rehabilitation, Nicholas Andrews, Petey Mumford, and Lauren Tighe


Personifying Inanimate Objects: A Study Through Movement, Delainey Bailey and Tricia Zweier


Virtual Reality and Gamification in Post-Secondary Education, Tiffani Barner


Picturing Failure and Negative Self-Talk: A Perfect Combo for Choking, Corbin Barnett and Maia Busi


Auditory Temporal Sampling Activation and Phonological Awareness, Julie Bowman and Rebecca Panagos


Bilingualism: A Cognitive Superpower, Maia Busi and Michiko Nohara-Leclair


Over-Determined Control Systems on Time Scales, Danian Castillo, Drew Barnes, and Nick Wintz


Gibberellin Application on Dwarf Strains of Millets, Jadyn Collins, Sydney Rarick, Gabrielle Russina, Micah Duffield, Belle Erhardt, Joaquin Fontan, and Joshua Neely


The Effect of Gibberellin on Millett, Lauren Dale-Derks, Jasmine Ward, Mackenzie Wilson, Chloe Turasky, Michael Fitzgerald, Mackenzie Holmes, Maxwell Mason, and Joshua Neely


Flight, Hannah Davis


An Early Enriched Diet and its Effect on Invertebrates (Blaberus discoidalus), Diego De Gregorio


Lindenwood General Biology-Measuring Achievement and Progression in Science (GenBio-MAPS), Diego De Gregorio, Madilyn Waters, and Robyne Elder


Hamstrings to Quadriceps Peak Torque Ratios are Similar Between Positions in Male College Rugby Athletes, Ava Denner, Amanda Ware, and Kyle Sunderland


The Female Other: Feminist Existentialism and Crisis in The Great Gatsby, Hazel Denother and Justine Pas


Mental Imagery and Its Connection to the Universe, Alea Farmer and Michiko Nohara-LeClair


Gingerbread House Making with Patients with Dementia, Laney Fenton, Alicia Stahlschmidt, Ashley Richard, Elliott Irwin, and Zachary Martin

The Effect of Parity and Timing of Pregnancy on Menopause, Michael Fitzgerald and Joshua Neely

Anti-Queer Policy Impact on Suicide Rates Among Queer Youth, Zoe Fleschman


Program Evaluation of Cyber Senior Program, Isobel Folan, Catherine Shoff, Sam Nudo, and Annie Alameda


Mental Health in Japan and the United States: A Look at Differences and Similarities, Whitney Ford and Michiko Nohara-LeClair

Getting Dressed: Gender, Identity, and Expression, Laura Franz


Faulkner & The Demon In A Bottle, Ernesto Gomez


Eyewitness Identification Results In Wrongful Convictions, Alivia Graddy and Grant Shostak


Mixed Methods Analysis of Perceived Gender Identity in Heterosexual and Lesbian Couples, Ximena Gutierrez and Evan Struempth


Translation As Process, Drew Gvillo and Justine Pas