Effects of Performance Anxiety on Athletic Identity in Diverse College Athletes

Start Date

9-4-2024 12:00 AM


This study looks at the effects of performance anxiety on athletic identity in a sample of racially diverse college athletes. Specifically, how fixed versus growth mindset affects performance anxiety and athletic identity as well as racial identity exploration. Comparisons among different races and sports will also be included. An anonymous survey was sent out on various platforms for this study. There were a total of 53 participants in which 59% were white, 39% were black, and 7% Hispanic. We performed a t-test between the three dependent variables (sports anxiety, athletic identity, and racial identity) and the independent variable (growth vs fixed mindset).

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Apr 9th, 12:00 AM

Effects of Performance Anxiety on Athletic Identity in Diverse College Athletes

This study looks at the effects of performance anxiety on athletic identity in a sample of racially diverse college athletes. Specifically, how fixed versus growth mindset affects performance anxiety and athletic identity as well as racial identity exploration. Comparisons among different races and sports will also be included. An anonymous survey was sent out on various platforms for this study. There were a total of 53 participants in which 59% were white, 39% were black, and 7% Hispanic. We performed a t-test between the three dependent variables (sports anxiety, athletic identity, and racial identity) and the independent variable (growth vs fixed mindset).