Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Effects on Allotment Laws

Presenter Information

Belle Biswell, Lindenwood University

Start Date

9-4-2024 12:00 AM


My project will cover how the Bureau of Indian Affairs and American Indian Defense Association differed in their views of Native Americans and how that effected the implementation and continuation of the Allotment laws. I will be covering viewpoints from specific people in each organization and how those viewpoints affected the way federal law was enacted. This will be supported by looking at documents from the American Indian Defense Association, Commissioner Reports, and population documents as well as various secondary sources. My goal is to make the connection of the personal views from each organization and the effect those views had on federal law enforcement.

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Apr 9th, 12:00 AM

Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Effects on Allotment Laws

My project will cover how the Bureau of Indian Affairs and American Indian Defense Association differed in their views of Native Americans and how that effected the implementation and continuation of the Allotment laws. I will be covering viewpoints from specific people in each organization and how those viewpoints affected the way federal law was enacted. This will be supported by looking at documents from the American Indian Defense Association, Commissioner Reports, and population documents as well as various secondary sources. My goal is to make the connection of the personal views from each organization and the effect those views had on federal law enforcement.