Student Scholarship
Scholarship from Lindenwood University students.
Submissions from 2005
Are You Up To Date?, Amanda Coleman and Amanda Friedhoff
Suicide As Covered in the Media, Jamie Gonzalez
Does Love Make You Smarter?, Annalee M. Hastie and Theodore J. Vogt
Stress and the Common Cold, Nicole Kinman and Angela Vincent
The Stroop Task: Gender Differences between College Students, Josephine Mwangi
Biased Preferences to Names, Timothy J. Panek and Megan Gibson
The Effects of Positive Feedback on Performance Perception, Traci Schmidt
The Correlation of Working College Students And Their Grade Point Average, Latasha Stepps and Chandra Brown
People Perception: The Effects of Facial Piercings, Sarah Torpea
Self-Esteen Levels in Relation to Grade Point Average, Patrick Wilson
Submissions from 2003
Gender Differences Concerning Thoughts on Love Attitudes and Romance, Sarah E. Brady
Do You Know Your 50 States?, Katherine Friedhoff
The Effects of Music on Concentration, Jennifer Ip
Gender Differences in Attitudes of the United States Initiating War Against Iraq, Cecelia L. McPheron
Gender Differences in Shopping Habits and Goals of Shopping, Angela R. Merrell
Gender and Ability to Distinguish between Sugar-Free and Sugar Peppermints, Allison Paul
Can You Tell The Difference, Brian Roth
Greeks Compared to Non Greeks and Alcohol Consumption, Melani Saito
The Role of Gender on the Accuracy of Change Detection, Jennifer L. Sytsma
Submissions from 1981
Opening the Eyes of Parents of Visually Handicapped Children: Putting Public Law to Work for You, Stanley L. Magoon
Submissions from 1980
Educational Objectives, Methods and Objectives: The Historical, Psychological and Philosophical Influences, Rosanne Fae Goad
Case Analysis of the Procurement Process for "Buying Commercial Items for the US Government", Melvin Lester
Submissions from 1978
Values of My Studies at Lindenwood Colleges Relative to My Artwork, John R. Junger
The Role of Management in Government Consulting: An Integration of College Curricula and Job-Related Experiences, Nancy Nelson
Submissions from 1977
Narrative Summary: Health Care Administration, Summer Session 1977, Fern Brody Hogan
Exploring Don Quixote's Madness, W. A. Reeves
Submissions from 1976
About Us...: A Primer in Psychology for Junior High School, Kay Lyou
Submissions from 1937
Weary Alien, Betty Hurwich