Student Scholarship
Scholarship from Lindenwood University students.
Submissions from 2013
Manet's Olympia: Changing the Way People View the Nude, Esther Mizel
Race, Attire, and Perception of Sexual Harassment Victim Culpability, Eliza A. Murray
The Effects of Music on Concentration, Logan Rizzo
Patronage and It's Impact on the Roman Art World, Colbei Sakuma
Polykleitos: A Canon of Beauty and Perfection, Amy Schuman
Does the Difference between Handwriting and Typing Influence Memory Ability?, Ai Shinohara
Parenting Styles and Their Relation to Child Activity Levels, Jessica Sibley
Submissions from 2012
Persephone and Hades: A Study of Representation in Art and Culture, Sara Buckley
The Effects of a Relationship Status on Views of the Opposite Sex, Taylor L. Cathey
How helpful are Academic Advisors for College Students?, Andréa Conver
Pet-related Variables and Stress Levels of Undergraduate Students, Katrin Haller
The Relationship between Social Support and Self-esteem, Ashley Karraker
The Influence of Picture Border Color on Perceived Attractiveness, Melissa Luley
Perceived Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness as Predictors Of Academic Burnout in Undergraduate Students, Ben Maxwell
Racial Profiling is Not Specifically Always Black or White, Samantha Ollie
Treatment of People with Different Sexual Orientation: Is It Still a Concern?, Jessica Preuschoff
The development from High Gothic to the Rayonnant style through Reims Cathedral and the Sainte-Chapelle, Diane Prigent
Ceci N'est Pas un David, Andrea Roberts
The Possible Effects Silence and Music Listening have on Memory, Allisha Rounds
Synesthesia Metaphor in Semantic Processing and Visual Perception, Ai Shinohara
The Evolution of Anatomical Art: The Artists and Methods that Illustrated the Human Body, Amanda Spaunhorst
The Universality of Emotional Facial Expressions across Culture and Implications for Survival, Lindsay Trefney
The Relationship between Self-esteem and School Performance, Trina M. Ward
Mood and Advertising: A Follow-up Study to “The Power of Emotion”, Lisa Wiese
Submissions from 2011
Self-Esteem and Stress Perception among Athletes and Non-Athletes, Frederica Bertolini
Is Beauty Only Skin Deep?, Amber Fetsch
The Relationship between Visual Stimuli on Learning and Memory, Jacob Glose and Melissa Luley
An Analysis of Ethnic Labels: Essemtialism vs. Circumstantialism, John Holloway
Under Pressure: The Effects of Competition on Performance, G. Ben Maxwell
Archival Study: How the Architecture of a Room can Influence a Person’s Mood, Jordan McKay
Perceived Racial Expectations of Children, Jessica R. Roesslein
Submissions from 2010
See It! Hear It! Learn It!!, Mansi Brat
Relationship Between Student Involvement and GPA, Jennifer Ellen Burdick and Paige Martin
Relationship between Time and Test Anxiety, Heather Damper and Caludette Reed
How Shallow Are We?, Amber Fetsch and Jake Jalinsky
Facing the Book of Reliance: An Analysis of College Student’s Dependency on Facebook, John R. Gatermann
An Analysis of Classroom Environment: Researcher Dress vs. Test Performance, Ryan Holley
Classroom Environment: An Analysis of Researcher Dress and Academic Achievement, Ryan Holley
Jealousy Differences among Men and Women, Kim Howard
Shop Till You Drop, Lydia J. Langley
Olympia, Reinventing the Nude, Holly McGuire
Gender and dormitories at Lindenwood College 1968-1970, A. J. Medlock
Louis XIV: Art as Persuasion Supporting the Dominance of France in 17th Century Europe, Matthew Noblett
Perceived Racial Expectations of Children, Jessica Roessleain
Perceived Racial Expectations of Children, Jessica R. Roesslein
Measurable Gender Differences in Moral Standards, Jenee Sikma and Kate Warhol
The Effects of Audio Distractions on Typing Speed, Ashley Silverberg
The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Aggression, Ashley Silverberg
The Prevalence of Technology, Greg Townsend
What Fits the Crime: Does Factors Influence in a Person’s Judgment?, Amanda Vance
Submissions from 2009
Burning Men in Effigy: Lindenwood Ladies Confront Changing Gender Ideals, Julian Barr
The Power of Dance: How Dance and Emotion Connect, Krista Blankenship and Chastin Oliver
Courtesy on Campus: How Far away does a Person have to be Before the Door is Held?, Kristen Frederick
Picture Perfect Job: An Analysis of the Effects of Weight on Internship Interviews, John R. Gatermann and Kimberly N. Gould
General Perceptions of Homosexuality in a Small Private University in The Greater Saint Louis Area, Verenna Huerta and Taylor Morrill
Relationships between Electronic Communications and Interpersonal Relationships, Cindy Klimaszewski
Coffee Preferences and Personality, Kristin E. Lantzy
The Sense of Smell and its Effect on Attraction, Grant Perkins
Relationship of Cigarette Smoking and the Habits of a Smoker’s Family, Danielle Strasser
Comparison of GPA between Students Involved and Uninvolved in a Relationship, Jessica M. Vaeth
Submissions from 2008
Is Bigger Better or is Less More? : American Compared to Non-American Consumption Habits, Amanda Bratcher, Sofia Aneas, and Jesus Lopez
To Play or Not to Play: Comparing Athlete’s GPA to Non-Athlete’s GPA, Lisa Clark and David Kanning
George Sibley's Convictions Concerning Slavery, Elizabeth Dalton
The Legacies of Lindenwood: A Survey of What Female Graduates Did After College, Elizabeth Dalton
Overattribution Effect, Sally Eimer
Urban vs. Rural Work Ethic, Lindsey D. Geeding
Can Normal Habits Affect GPA?, Jessica Hildebrand and Regina Thurman
Red Bull Marketing Techniques, Jennifer Hogenmiller and Kailey Steuber
Can’t Test This: Test Performance and Anxiety, Brian Judd, Danielle Merli, and Jamie Zagar
Church Doctrine: Effects on the Self-Worth of Married Women, Mary Claire Kondro
How Lindenwood Students Get to Class: A Study of Driving Versus Walking, Sara Ohlms
Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem and their Correlations with Codependency, Rachel N. Rogers
Gender Strength Implications and its Effects on Task Performance, Chelsea Schumacher
Does the Type of Crime Determine if an Image of a Certain Criminal is Pictured?, Amanda Vance
Submissions from 2007
How Preference Plays a Role in Gender and Details, Jennifer Anstead and Brittni Martin
Classical Recall: Analysis of the “Mozart Effect” On Basic Mental Tasks, Matthew Black, Steven Carter, and Adam Rose
Encoding Specificity: Applied to Communication Patterns in Recall Processes, Makandal P. Daaga
Noun-sense: Short-Term Memory and Correct Recall of Concrete, Abstract and Nonsense Words, Mindi E. Lovelady
Racial Stereotyping and Physical Perception of Crime, Jenn Malzone
Interpersonal Conflict Resolution: Differences Across Sex and Socially Established Gender, Abby Ramon
The Sexual Image of Women in Television: The Effect on Young Women in America, Amanda Reed and Rachel Rogers
Memory Recall: Cued or Free, Meghan Thomson and Wendy Stamps
Submissions from 2006
The Effects of Speech Rate on Comprehension, Jamilah Adams and Michelle Weber
Birth Order Effects on Academic Performance, January Boston and Kristal Cook
Home Court Advantage and Quality of Team, Anthony Clarkston
Hours Worked Versus Academic Grades in College Students, Erin Ferguson and Shelly Fuess
Possible Undue Stress Factors on Graduating Seniors, Steven L. Hahne
Effects on Mood by Various Spectrums of Light from Eyeglasses, Marvin G. Herrod and Ashleigh L. Palmer
Glasses and Facial Recognition, Rebecca Knoelke
Media & Self Perception, Shera Kulow and Candice Menne
Investigation into the Perception of Beauty, Elysa Priester and Heather Kraft
Memory Task: Gender Differences in Verbal and Spatial Memory Ability, Miranda Richardson and Anna Zeik
Moods and Their Effects, Leaha Sharpe
Effects of Chocolate on a Person’s Immediate Mood, Aaron Tighe and Katherine Hannemann
Submissions from 2005
Consumer Perception and Food Packaging, Dan Agnew, Patti Nibert, and Shawna Wells
Instinct and Second-guessing Oneself on Tests, Bethany Bennett and Nicole Lafser
A Study of Self-Esteem and Grade Point Average (GPA) Among College Students, Erin K. Bowen and Carl A. Hicks
How Males and Females Feel About Body Image, Hannah Briscoe and Cadey Kuehnel
Effects of Anti- and Pro-Smoking Campaigns on the Prevalence of Smoking in College Students, Jennifer Campbell, Pamela Newcombe, and Angela Radford
Do Sports Have an Effect on School Performance?, Tara Clegg