Student Scholarship
Scholarship from Lindenwood University students.
Submissions from 2021
Agreement Between the Iron Path App and a Linear Position Transducer for Measuring Average Concentric Velocity and Range of Motion of Barbell Exercises, Jovana Kasovic, Benjamin Martin, Joseph P. Carzoli, Michael C. Zourdos, and Christopher A. Fahs
Submissions from 2020
Decline in Unintentional Lifting Velocity Is Both Load and Exercise Specific, Maddison Beck, William Varner, Johnathan Boring, and Christopher A. Fahs
Associations Between Personality Traits and Music Preference, Isabella Boccia
Academic Success and Its Relation to Academic Habits and Motivation, Sam Ebert
The accuracy of commercially available upper and lower body bioelectrical impedance analyzers in men and women, Christopher A. Fahs, Johnathan Boring, Lindsay LeVault, William Varner, and Maddison Beck
Attitudes Toward Mental Health, Attitudes Toward Mental Healthcare, and Access to Mental Healthcare: Variations Based on Key Demographic Factors, Mariya Gaither
Do Violent Video Games Stimulate Aggressive Tendencies?, Megan Hamilton
Research Project in Finance: NVE Corporation (NVEC), Houston Little
Relationships between Dichotomous Thinking and Other Cognitive Distortions, Nam Nguyen
Explicit and Implicit Attitudes towards People with Disabilities, Abby Right
The General Population’s Understanding of Mental Illness, Iris Walker-Tjepkes
Submissions from 2019
Research Project in Finance: Target Corporation, Saba Ajmal
Blood flow restriction does not augment low force contractions taken to or near task failure, Samuel L. Buckner, Matthew B. Jesee, Scott J. Dankel, Kevin T. Mattocks, J. Grant Mouser, Zachary W. Bell, Takashi Abe, John P. Bentley, and Jeremy P. Loenneke
Moral Decision Making, Baylie Fowler and Tommi Donnelly-Julian
Perceived Differences in Pitch by Musicians and Non-Musicians, Kristine Garrett
Tattoos in the Workplace, Megan Hamilton
Research Project in Finance: Kinder Morgan Inc. (KMI), Christopher Holmes
Women's Place in the World, Jennifer Johnson
Kinematic Differences Between the Front and Back Squat and Conventional and Sumo Deadlift, Jovana Kasovic, Benjamin Martin, and Christopher A. Fahs
Save a Cow, Eat a Pedophile: Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, Abigail Rose Manis
Correlational Study between Emotional Intelligence and the Use of Online Dating, Aleksander E. Mansdoerfer
The Universal Image: Are Mental Images Formed Using Prototypes?, G. Adam Martz
Athletes' Openness to Sexuality, Tereza Melicharkova
Gender Inclusivity and Discrimination on College Campuses: Focusing on Gender Nonconforming Students, Mariah Palmer
Research Project in Finance: SIX Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, Keagan Parsons
Submissions from 2018
Research Project in Finance: JNJ Johnson and Johnson Corporation, Tsend Togtokhsuren
Submissions from 2017
Research Project in Finance: KSS Kohl's Corporation, Garrett Blair
Music’s Effects on Memory, Madyson Carroll
Students’ Perceptions of Body Image, Noor Fons
Racial Salience in Context: The Role of Visual Information on Conviction Decisions, Krystia Grembocki
Spotting a Criminal: Examining Perceived Racial Typicality in Violent and Nonviolent Crimes, Krystia Grembocki
Correlation of Myers-Briggs Personality Traits Inventory and Moral Decision Making, Kamden Havens
What’s Your Motivation?, Jacob Klein
Correlational Study Between Conservatism and Altruism, Aleksander Mansdoerfer
Suggestibility and Test Anxiety, Lauren Martin
Video Responsiveness: Reactive in Motor Function, G. Adam Martz
Presence of Daily Routine on Frequency of Bizarre Dreams, and Online Study, Kevin McGowan
Perceptions of Coaches and Athletes on Motivation Methods, Tereza Melicharkova
Mental Health and College Students, Katie Olson
The Connection among Color, Lighting, and Anxiety, Mariah Palmer
The Influence of Color on Mood, Mariah Palmer
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and Culture, Alfa Ramirez
A Modern Analysis of the Frequency of Baumrind’s Parenting Style, Aimee Saffo and Jaidenlynn Rogers
How Social Media is Perceived to Affect Romantic Relationship Satisfaction, Hannah S. Shockley
Does Lyrical Music Affect Cognitive Performance?, Andrew Stone
Social and Religious Factors on Subjective Well-being, Eric J. Uhl
Submissions from 2016
Predicting Factors of Generosity, Carlo Barth
College Intimate Relationships and Parents’ Marital Status, Jessica Baynes
Correlation Between a Students’ Academic Performance and Caffeine Intake, Mary Bindbeutel
Difference between Detecting Emotional and Non-Emotional Lies, David De la Cruz
The Ability to Detect Lies and Personality, David De la Cruz
The Difference between Detecting Emotional and Non-Emotional Deception, David De la Cruz
Effect of Picture Size on Natural Category Learning and Metacognition, Carlee M. DeYoung
Meditation and Chocolate: Comparing their Effects on Cognitive Abilities, Ryan Dyck
Mental and Physical Practice: Comparing their Effects on Hand-Eye Coordination Tasks, Ryan M. Dyck
Rococo, Reason, and Revolution : The French Intellectual and Moral Response to Aristocratic Indulgence as Demonstrated Through Art, Kimberly Elfrink
The Impact of Restricting a Jury’s Access to Visual Information about a Defendant, Krystia Grembocki
The Relationship between Emotional Well-being and a Lack of Closure with Ex-partners, Nolan R. Hendrickson and Karolina Štětinová
Effects of Music on Puzzle and Math Problem Solving, Roberta Kerosevic
Effects of Music on Puzzle Solving, Roberta Kerosevic
Effectiveness of Emotions as Retrieval Cues, Mauri Linero
Effects of Music on Stress and Mindfulness, Brittany McKenzie
Effect of Learned Helplessness on Students, Alex Moll
Arming Airline Pilots, Tyler Monroe
The Effects of Intrusive Proctoring, Mariah Palmer
ASMR and Culture, Alfa Ramirez
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) in relation to Flow, Relaxation, and Tingles, Alfa Ramirez
Different Personality Traits Between Athletes and Non-athletes, Sam Schoonover
The Impact of Appearance on Students’ Opinions of Others, Kelsey Smith
The Effects of Stress on False Memory, Claire Van Vranken
The Relationship Between Punctuality, Optimism, and Time Perception, Madison Vander Wielen
Submissions from 2015
Predicting Factors of Generosity, Carlo R. Barth
Lindenwood Students’ Cultural Domain of Female Beauty, Courtney Cox
The Effects of Prescribed vs. Choice Organization on Information Recognition, Carlee M. DeYoung
Stigma of Mental Health on Campus: A Research Study, Amelia Fowler
Implanting False Memories, Lynn Mundwiller
Determining if there is a Relationship between Locus of Control and Stress, Sara Roderick
Relationship between Social Category and Third-Party Perceptions of Crime, Sara Roderick
Michelangelo's Last Judgement: A Crisis of Conscience, Ana Schnellmann
Perception of Female Leaders among Men and Women, Caitlin Ward
The Effects of a Visual Cue on Reaction Time, Madison Vander Wielen
Memory Patterns in a Dementia Patient, Darren Wilson
Submissions from 2014
Entrepreneurial Journalism, Benjamin Bathke
Unforgettable: The Relationship between Music and Memory, Samantha Beedy
Determining if there is a Relationship between Altruism and Self-worth, Jacob Brown
Eclipse: Theories in Contemporary Art's World, Bethany Burton
A Tale of Two Queens: Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun and Marie Antoinette, Bailey Compton
The Relationship between Work Status and Grade Point Average, Lauren Kennington and Verdina Pilipovic
Who Really Teaches Sex Education?, Bridget Kiely
An Exploration of Service-Oriented Fields, Eliza Murray
Doorways to Divinity and Function in the Form: Icons and Ecclesiastical Enforcement, Ana Schnellmann
Skill, Trust, and Deployment: Who’s Your Buddy?, Julianne Sutton
Submissions from 2013
Examining Stress and Performance Anxiety as Predicting Factors of Athletic Burnout in Collegiate Student-Athletes, Drew Barnard
Unraveling the Theory of Platonic Love in Botticelli, Sara Buckley
Is Marriage Still Relevant in Today’s Society?, Stacey Harris
Effect of Classical Music on College Students, Bridget Kiely
The Relationship between Color Preference and Consumer Products, Julia Leonard
Understanding Sexual Diversity, Nate Maeys
Types of Procrastinators: Perfectionists vs. Crisis-Making Procrastinators, Terry McRoberts
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and People’s Abilities to Cope with Stress, Lucile Michel