"The Relationship between Color Preference and Consumer Products" by Julia Leonard

Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal


motivation to purchase that product. The research hypothesis stated that color would have an effect on a person’s motivation to purchase a product and that those differences would vary between sex as well. To test this hypothesis, the current study recruited participants to take a demographic survey and rate 60 colored products on a slideshow. The slideshow consisted of 60 pictures, 10 items colored in the 6 primary and secondary colors. The participants were given as much time as they needed to rate each item on a Likert scale from 0-would not buy to 10-would definitely buy. After the participants completed the study, the data were collapsed into color categories and each color had a score, per participant, from 0-100. It was concluded at the end of the study that the results supported the research hypothesis because the ANOVA revealed that there was a significant difference between men and women and their motivation to buy an item based on its color in 2 of the 6 colors.

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