"Attitudes Toward Mental Health, Attitudes Toward Mental Healthcare, an" by Mariya Gaither

Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal


The objective of this study was to discern what factors may cause variations in a person’s attitudes toward mental health and mental healthcare, as well as their access to mental healthcare. The factors that were the focus of this study included: race/ethnicity, age, religiosity, gender identity, location, and socioeconomic status. Method: A total of 132 participants participated in the online study. Participants were asked to answer questions that assessed their attitudes about mental health and mental healthcare as well as the access to mental healthcare in their community. The survey also consisted of several demographic questions which asked participants about their age, race/ethnicity, gender identity, socioeconomic status, their location, and their level of religiosity. Results: There are several statistically significant differences in attitudes toward mental health, mental healthcare, and access to mental healthcare based on demographic factors. There is also a significant correlation between an individual’s religiosity and their attitudes toward mental healthcare. These differences are caused by a variety of social and cultural differences. Conclusion: While this research study is a step in the right direction to begin remedying problems within the mental healthcare system, there is still a significant amount of work to be done. More research should be conducted to see if there are other differences in attitudes toward mental health and mental healthcare, as well as access to mental healthcare based on other demographics such as sexual orientation.

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Publication Date

January 2020

Included in

Psychology Commons
