"The Effects of a Visual Cue on Reaction Time" by Madison Vander Wielen

Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal


This between-subjects design study focuses on the effects of a visual cue on reaction time. Participants started the study by completing an online reaction time test and their performance was recorded. Then, they were exposed to a visual cue in the form of a 2-min video clip of a man dancing. Each participant was assigned to one of two conditions. Participants in one condition watched the video at a decreased speed (i.e., slower), whereas participants in the other watched the video at an increased speed (i.e., faster). Then, the participants were asked to complete a second online reaction time test. The difference in the participants’ performance on the two reaction time tests were used as the dependent measure to determine whether their reaction times were affected by exposure to a visual cue presented in a faster or slower speed. I hypothesized that the speed of the video would affect the speed of the participants’ reaction time so that the participants who watched the faster video in between the reaction time tests would see a decrease in their reaction time (i.e., respond more quickly) whereas those who watched the slower video in between the tests would show an increase in their reaction time (i.e., respond slowly). My hypothesis was not supported; the study resulted in no significant effect of a visual cue and the participants’ reaction time differences.

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