"Suggestibility and Test Anxiety" by Lauren Martin

Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal


This paper aimed to test the power of suggestibility and how it affected college students’ anxiety on tests. My hypothesis was that after students watch a motivational video, their anxiety about the test would decrease and their scores on the test would be better than participants who watched a video that did not have to do with motivation. Data from previous research shows that the higher stress levels one has, the lower their performance will be. I conducted an online survey with college students recruited from Lindenwood’s Participant Pool and through Facebook and Twitter. Participants agreed to an informed consent form, answered questions about their anxiety, watched a video, completed a test with questions found on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and asked more questions about their anxiety. I found that there were significant differences in the motivation group and the neutral group when it came to feeling motivated, feeling good about their performance on the test, and feeling less nervous about the GRE.

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