"The Difference between Detecting Emotional and Non-Emotional Deception" by David De la Cruz

Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal


From small white lies to great deceptive schemes, lies exist in every part of the society. Being surrounded by lies, people constantly judge the veracity of other individuals’ statements. From parents judging if their kids are being deceptive, to trained professionals trying to detect deception, people can unconsciously use their intuition to catch liars (Brinke, Stimson, & Carney, 2014; Reinhard, Greifeneder, & Scharmach , 2013). Even if trained professionals learn a variety of methods to consciously detect deception, unconscious intuition is always a factor that is present in lie detection because they are also humans. People can unconsciously discover deception through their ability to feel and see others’ emotions (Vrij, Granhag, & Porter, 2010). However, while unconscious intuition allows individuals to detect some lies, it also misleads them to misjudge other people’s statements because of all the emotional feedback received from other people. I hypothesize that people will be better at detecting deception if there is a lower display of emotions that could distract the lie detector.

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