"College Intimate Relationships and Parents’ Marital Status" by Jessica Baynes

Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal


This study looks specifically at college students’ intimate relationships and if there are correlations regarding their parents’ marital status and/or perceived happiness of their parents’ marriage and the participants’ intimate relationships. The findings reported in the literature are mixed as to whether parents’ marital status is an indicator for their offspring’s intimate relationships. I strictly focused on the participants views on their relationships with their parents (if it is negative or positive), if the participants’ parents are perceived to be happy in their relationships, and if they feel successful about their intimate relationships. Originally, I felt there was a discrepancy in relationship length and parents’ marital status. I thought children of divorced parents’ would have shorter relationships. I asked questions concerning students’ intimate relationship length. The results of this study showed there is a statistically significant correlation between parents’ marital status and peoples’ relationship with their father or father figure. Furthermore, I found statistically different responses between participants whose parents are divorced and those whose parents are not in their views on future marriage, the effort both parents make to be involved in the participants’ life, and the need to constantly be in a relationship.

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