"Effects of Music on Stress and Mindfulness" by Brittany McKenzie

Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal


The possible differential effects that Zen and electronic dance music (EDM) have on stress and mindfulness were analyzed. The purpose of this study is to understand if certain factors of music are more influential on stress levels and mindfulness scores. Factors of music that were analyzed include different genres and the tempo or pace of these music genres. Fifty-six adult participants ages 17-79 completed an online survey. The online survey had participants complete a mental rotation task then rate their perceived state stress levels and mindfulness scores for baseline measures. Participants listened to either a 3 min. audio file of a Zen or EDM song. Lastly, participants were asked again to rate the extent of their agreement or disagreement on statements regarding state levels and mindfulness scores. The results did not reveal any significant differences in stress levels and mindfulness scores between participants in the Zen and EDM condition. However, there was a significant decrease in stress levels for participants whom listened to EDM. Additionally, there was a significant increase in mindfulness scores for participants who listened to Zen music.

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