Orthodox Help Orthodox, No Matter the Issue, No Matter the Cost

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Nemanja Medan, Lindenwood University


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9-4-2024 12:00 AM


My project will be about the understanding of the multiple cultures of Iraq, its history, religion, and some parts of entertainment. While, making a hypothetical situation of the Holy Trinty Serbian Orthodox Church in St. Louis, Missouri, helping the St. Thomas Orthodox Church in Mosul, Iraq get back up to religious practice standards. The project will go into a deeper lens of understanding the differences between the Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church and the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the East. All these sections will be going through cleric titles, differences of language, and the contrast of important saints between both religions.

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Apr 9th, 12:00 AM

Orthodox Help Orthodox, No Matter the Issue, No Matter the Cost

My project will be about the understanding of the multiple cultures of Iraq, its history, religion, and some parts of entertainment. While, making a hypothetical situation of the Holy Trinty Serbian Orthodox Church in St. Louis, Missouri, helping the St. Thomas Orthodox Church in Mosul, Iraq get back up to religious practice standards. The project will go into a deeper lens of understanding the differences between the Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church and the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the East. All these sections will be going through cleric titles, differences of language, and the contrast of important saints between both religions.