Start Date

9-4-2024 12:00 AM


This proposed research study aims to see if an individual’s choice of pet reflect the things that they value most in an intimate relationship. Pets have become more popular over the years, and a common theme for choosing a pet is whether or not the animal will be a good fit for the individual’s lifestyle. Since dogs are known to be social and affectionate creatures, I believe that individuals who have pet dogs may require more physical affection and a sense of togetherness in an intimate relationship in order to feel satisfied. I believe that individuals who own cats, though they may enjoy physical closeness to their partners, do not need an abundance of it in order to feel fulfilled in their relationships and that cat owners may also be more likely than dog owners to want more alone time in a relationship.

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Psychology Commons


Apr 9th, 12:00 AM

Understanding the Relationship Between Choice of Pet and Priorities in an Intimate Relationship - A Research Proposal

This proposed research study aims to see if an individual’s choice of pet reflect the things that they value most in an intimate relationship. Pets have become more popular over the years, and a common theme for choosing a pet is whether or not the animal will be a good fit for the individual’s lifestyle. Since dogs are known to be social and affectionate creatures, I believe that individuals who have pet dogs may require more physical affection and a sense of togetherness in an intimate relationship in order to feel satisfied. I believe that individuals who own cats, though they may enjoy physical closeness to their partners, do not need an abundance of it in order to feel fulfilled in their relationships and that cat owners may also be more likely than dog owners to want more alone time in a relationship.


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