Mental Health of University Students in Japan and the United States

Start Date

9-4-2024 12:00 AM


This research paper focuses on the mental health of individuals in Japan and in the United States. The project examines both countries’ adolescent and adult populations and their university students. Subjects include prevalent mental illness diagnoses as well as stigmas around utilizing counseling services, and the potential impacts of cultural norms. Results show that while the two countries share common diagnoses, the rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide are higher in Japan than in the United States. Results also show that Japanese students face specific struggles that students in the United States do not, most notably the struggle of student apathy. Several factors of culture that may affect mental health trends in Japan and in the United States are discussed.

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Apr 9th, 12:00 AM

Mental Health of University Students in Japan and the United States

This research paper focuses on the mental health of individuals in Japan and in the United States. The project examines both countries’ adolescent and adult populations and their university students. Subjects include prevalent mental illness diagnoses as well as stigmas around utilizing counseling services, and the potential impacts of cultural norms. Results show that while the two countries share common diagnoses, the rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide are higher in Japan than in the United States. Results also show that Japanese students face specific struggles that students in the United States do not, most notably the struggle of student apathy. Several factors of culture that may affect mental health trends in Japan and in the United States are discussed.