Impact of Media Representation on Self-Esteem and Identity Satisfaction

Start Date

9-4-2024 12:00 AM


This study looks at how exposure to diverse media representation affects an individual’s identity and self-esteem. Previous research suggests that when people view media that is reflective of their racial identity, they have higher levels of identity satisfaction. This study goes further by also examining gender identity satisfaction and self-esteem. To examine the topic, we created an online survey through Qualtrics and recruited participants from social media and the Lindenwood Participant Pool. Participants were randomly assigned to view one of the three conditions featuring images from popular TV shows and movies. These conditions were: (1) Gender Diverse, (2) Racially Diverse, and (3) Control/Non-Diverse. After viewing images, participants were asked to complete a brief identity reflection and respond to questions from validated instruments assessing their identity satisfaction and self-esteem.

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Apr 9th, 12:00 AM

Impact of Media Representation on Self-Esteem and Identity Satisfaction

This study looks at how exposure to diverse media representation affects an individual’s identity and self-esteem. Previous research suggests that when people view media that is reflective of their racial identity, they have higher levels of identity satisfaction. This study goes further by also examining gender identity satisfaction and self-esteem. To examine the topic, we created an online survey through Qualtrics and recruited participants from social media and the Lindenwood Participant Pool. Participants were randomly assigned to view one of the three conditions featuring images from popular TV shows and movies. These conditions were: (1) Gender Diverse, (2) Racially Diverse, and (3) Control/Non-Diverse. After viewing images, participants were asked to complete a brief identity reflection and respond to questions from validated instruments assessing their identity satisfaction and self-esteem.