Theses from Lindenwood University students.
Certain language choices and themes found within uploaded files are indicative of other times and views. We realize that some material here could be harmful and/or triggering to encounter. The items are shared not without care, but out of a desire to engage with any potential value the material has as a historical item that helps us understand past contexts, assists us in the study of changes and progress over time, and a hope that by learning from our history we gain insight into attitudes that may still have impact today.
Our current values and work for standardizing diversity, equity, and inclusion at Lindenwood University can be found on the webpage of our Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
Theses from 1980
Life-Enhancement with Art Therapy for the Institutionalized Aged, Lorraine H. Briggs
Creative Evolution from Matthew Arnold to the Post-Moderns, Thomas B, Burkemper
Exploring Tactile Media with Blind and Visually Impaired Women, Sherry Lynn Carrigan
Art Therapy with Mentally Ill Children, Phyllis L. Childers
Phototherapy--A Phenomenologically Based Approach to Psychological Assessment, Sheila Culkin
The Effect of Using Games in the Language Arts Classroom on the Achievement and Motivation of Ninth Graders, Jan Dineen
Marketing Services Which Can Provide Help for Frail Elderly Residents Living Within the City of Saint Louis, Missouri, Martha Hoyt Dodge
Art Therapy with the Terminally Ill: A Guide for the Art Therapist Working with the Terminally Ill Patient, Sharon Durocher
Search for Intimacy, Eric I. Field
Wholistic Approach to Dental Health, Janice Franklin
An Evaluation of the St. Louis Regional Community Placement Program, Daved Frerker
Studio Batik, Ellen Hendricks
Management Assistance for Nonprofit Organizations: Observations and Strategies on Utilizing Volunteer Consultants from For-Profit Enterprise, Daniel Henroid
Student Development & Cultural Assessment in an Educational Environment, Penelope Joan Herdfelder
Audio-Visual Focusing, Lucille Herman
Identifying the Gifted and Talented Students in the Primary Grades, Janice M. Holtmeyer
Multi-Hospital Groups, Ronald E. Huber
A PR Handbook for the Beginning Professional in Non-Profit Public Relations, Deborah A. Jones
The Female Volunteer Pool: Changes and Implications for the Future, Joan R. Katz
On the Transformation of Reality, Maurice LeCroy
The Director of Nursing Service: A Primer, Sheila Lenkman
VBS Senior Center: A Model, Mental health Multi-Purpose Storefront Center for the Elderly -A Report, Lyn Levine
Curriculum for a Course in Community Conflict Resolution, Judy Maschan
Laboratory Experiences in Listening Comprehension for English as a Second Language Program, Sima Mokhtari
The Creative Imagination Scale and The Inventory of Childhood Memories and Imaginings for Children: A Normative Study and Comparison, Susan A. Myers
Do Structured Preschool Programs Enhance a Child's Learning Potential in Kindergarten?, Jacqueline Ordelheide
A Mathematics Course of Study for the Fifth Grade Under-Achiever, Constance J. Pearson
Treatment of the Second Degree Athletic Ankle Sprain, Michael P. Pratte
Theses from 1979
Confrontation in Counseling: Five Studies, Anna-lee Aton
Counseling Parents of Defective Newborns, Pamela C. Bescher
Social Integration of Learning-Disabled Students in Mainstream Programs Where the Method of Instruction is Divergent Questioning, Phyllis Bigby
Puppets, A Teaching Tool for Skill Development: One Teacher's Experience, Helen G. Bogener
Art Therapy with Adolescents: Identity Crisis and Creative Expression, Kathleen Monahan Chaney
Managing the Seemingly Unmanageable Enterprises, Michael Daramola
Journeying Together: An Essay on Intimacy, Emily Ann Day
Problems Associated with the Use of Performance Appraisals in Promotion Decisions in the Federal Personnel System, Donald J. Detzel
The Impact of Father-Absence on Adolescent Sons' Personality Development and Its Implications for Therapy, Richard B. Dicker
In-Service Teacher Education, Marilyn G. Dreyer
An In-School Project of Alternative Learning for High School Behavior Problems, Diane M. Fornaci
The Calendar of Life Exercise and Value as a Tool for Art Therapy, Betsy Gibbs
Accounting and Reporting for Nonprofit Organizations as Elements of a Financial Management System, Arthur G. Hawkins
Emergence of Abstraction in American Scenic Design, 1900-1945, Jim Albert Hobbs
Boronga Kazi (Doing the Job Badly), George C. Holets
Life Skills: A Habilitation Program for Severely Retarded Adults, Margaret A. Hoven
Individuation and the Tree of Life, Katharine Ayers Hovey
A Commentary on an Exhibition of Prints and Photographs, Janet Love-Seward
Lite Change and Illness in A Group o! Women Religious in the Midwest from March 11 1978, through March 1, 1979, Ann Mangelsdorf
Harvey: A Case History, April McCleary
Affective Learning in an Inner City School: An Experiment in Developing Positive Peer Relationships and Their Long Term Affect, Sherry Lynn Neal Meinberg
Health and the Search for Equitable Access: An International View, William A. Norwood
An Examination of the Interface Between Cross-Cultural Trainers and the Business Community in the United States, from the Perspective of the Trainer, Alexander Patico
A Design for Organizational Structure: Ambulatory Care Services in the Department of Health and Hospitals, City of St. Louis, Edward M. Peters
Theses from 1978
A Method for Meeting Psychosocial Needs of Institutionalized Elderly, Mary Pardue Abrahams
The Mental Health Needs of the Moderately Mentally Retarded Individual and the Family, Carol Ann Baglin
Studies and Strategies for Board Development: The Workbook of a Board Trainer of Voluntary, Not-For-Profit Organizations, Dorothy Balfanz-Teas
A Life Satisfaction Test As A Measure of Motivation, Gladys F. Barker
Procedures and Techniques to Identify and Teach the LD Child in the Regular Classroom, Linda S. Bauwens
Efficacy of Co-joint Post-Divorce Counseling, Valerie Brown
Limnological Observations of Sugar Creek, Lincoln County, Missouri, JoAnn Bull
Instrumental Music Guide: Grades 5-9, Joan Joy Coerver
Creative Art Expression from a Leukemic Child, Peggy Cotton
Optimizing the Involvement of the Members of Voluntary Organization Boards: Keys to Motivation, Sarah Cox
Vagabond Puppet People, Arlington VA: Puppet Fantasia, Gail Cummins
The Heritage Arts Project: A Bridge Between Generations, Roz Flax
Group Dynamics in a Task Oriented Work Group, Virginia H. Foster
Health: How to Manage It, Gail A. Fraser
Focus on Tomorrow: A Community Based Diversionary Program for Juvenile Delinquents, Mary Louise Hannegan
Communion: The Exchange of Conscious Human Energy, Mary Hilken
Learning Disabilities and Remediation, LaVerne Hoerchler
A Curriculum Proposal for the Teaching of Art for the 7th Grade, Peggy Keim
Communication and the Written Memorandum, Jean R. Laventhal
Photography and Laminated Glass, Virginia Leverington
Sisterhood of Courage, Doree Lovell
In Search of the Sources of Rationality: A Study of the Work of Jerome Bruner, Keith Weeks Lyou
Elementary Music Curriculum Guide: Grades One Through Six, Linda McKinzie
Art Experiences for Children, Yvonne Moran
Math Games: A Teaching Tool for Primary Math Skills, Carolyn J. Newcomb
Theoretical Guide to Laboratory Management, Leonard F. Petrosky
Theses from 1977
Healing Within the Magic Circle, Anne Adamcewicz
Inner Bridges: Issues in the Development of a Psychotherapeutic Model for Transpersonal Growth, Diane Asay
The Fulfillment of Love and Belongingness Needs Among Single Parents, Anne Roemer Bannes
Learning Through Perceptual-Motor Activities, Ronald J. Bauwens
"Branching from Within": A Program for Persons with Physical Disabilities, Nancy Belohlavek
The Multiple Losses of Housewives Who Become Widowed, Emily Carton
The Paramount Unified School District Community Education Program: An Evaluation, Patricia Joan Day
Therapy: An Eclectic Approach, Jeri De Vale
Art Therapy with Institutionalized Adult Mental Patients: A Four-Week Study, Margaret E. Goodwin
Counseling for Older Adults: A Study of Its Importance and Effectiveness, Suzanne Gram
The Second Time Around, Helen Gigi Hartig
Individualization Through Remedial Teaching Techniques, Marilyn Sue Hensley
Report on Play Production of Puppet Show "Ananse's Trick Does Double Work", Dietlinde Hibben
Psychotherapy for Overeaters: The Category Experiential Directive Method, A. Jesse Ivanhoe
An Analysis of Revenue-Producing Departments Versus Non-Revenue Departments, Bobby G. Johnson
Culminating Project, David R. Johnston
The Development of an Effective Treatment Program for Schizophrenics, Francine Kane
Energy, Therapy and Touch Foundation for the Healing Interaction, Michael E. Kanter