Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

E.J. Kirk

Second Advisor

B. Weinrich


The Project is about the development and the improvement of the economy of Nigeria so that Nigeria may be fairly self-sufficient in food production . The project is meant to suggest specifically what Nigeria needs to do as far as marketing is concerned , so that it may have a favourable balance of trade with its trading world nations.

In the pursuit of these goals , I have attempted an extensive discussion on the whereabouts of Nigeria relative to the rest of the African countries , its climate and the climatic influences on the agricultural activities of man . Nigeria is an agrarian country because seventy- five percent of its working population is engaged in agriculture.

Contained in the background discussion of Nigeria is the division of Nigeria by subcultures and tribes and their influences on the economy and marketing in Nigeria, the present marketing system and the products for markets which are chiefly food items. The background discussion includes the colonial era and its influences on the present day marketing and economic system in Nigeria.

The marketing system of Nigeria is affected by some environmental forces . A few of these forces include: demography, population growth, family ties, low income, occupation, education, political instability and technology.

The development of the economy of Nigeria towards marketing improvement requires that the Federal Government draws up a five year development plan (1981-85), with agricultural development topping the priority list. Other areas of development are: communication and telecommunication, construction , petroleum and energy sources. These I indicate in the project as the current government plans towards marketing development and improvement. Some of these plans do not sound workable owing to insufficient time allocation and lack of funds. This led to my more workable plans and recommendations in the concluding chapter. My recommendations centre around such developments that will put Nigeria in the position where it will at least have a fairly favourable balance of trade in the long run . These recommendations include workable programs in agriculture to enable Nigeria to attain self-sufficiency in food production, programs in oil refinery to enable Nigeria to reduce refined oil importation, marketing education programs, programs to improve roads and railways to make physical channels of distribution faster and easier.

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