Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Samuel Zibit

Second Advisor

Richard Rickert

Third Advisor

Arlene Taich


A community health center opened a well baby clinic in January 1981. The pediatric clinic service was offered to mothers who had delivered a baby through the health center's obstetric clinic. The basic goal of this study is to identify barriers to pediatric clinic attendance. The researcher has attempted to provide a profile of the users of the pediatric clinic. Following this, an evaluation of the pediatric clinic's geographic and financial accessibility, as perceived by the users, was done one year after starting the pediatric service. Analysis of demographic data obtained for the profile showed no significant differences between mothers accepting and mothers declining the pediatric clinic service except in the area of annual income. Analysis of accessibility data showed that both prospective and present clients perceived the pediatric clinic t o be accessible geographically and financially.
