Theses from Lindenwood University students.
Certain language choices and themes found within uploaded files are indicative of other times and views. We realize that some material here could be harmful and/or triggering to encounter. The items are shared not without care, but out of a desire to engage with any potential value the material has as a historical item that helps us understand past contexts, assists us in the study of changes and progress over time, and a hope that by learning from our history we gain insight into attitudes that may still have impact today.
Our current values and work for standardizing diversity, equity, and inclusion at Lindenwood University can be found on the webpage of our Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
Theses from 1977
Life Planning: A Compendium of Twelve Practitioners, Marilyn Mitchell
A Consciousness Simulation Model, R. Edward Mitchell Jr.
The Inter-Relationship of Therapy and Education of Parents, Beatrice Nathan
Self-Portrait as a Measure of Self Perception, Susan LaMantia O'Connor
The Role of a Medical Audit in Assessing the Quality of Health Care at a Community Health Center, James C. Overton
A Study of Reality Orientation and a Program Design for a Geriatric Setting, Mary Barrett Paspalas
Can Utilization of Non-Licensed Nursing Technicians Reduce Costs in Hospital Critical Care Units?, Shari Erikson Pollard
Feasibility of Meeting Student Health Needs Through a University Health Center Based HMO, Ronald DuWayne Reed
Theses from 1976
An Analysis of a Confluent Approach to Teaching English Composition, Beverly J. Bimes
The Development and Utilization of a Radio Station in the Secondary School, Daniel P. Bretch
A Radical Feminist Analysis of Primal Therapy Theory, Lucille DeBondelis Cox
Sexuality Counseling for Male-Oriented Men, Daniel W. Fulmer
How the Women's Movement Has Affected Marriage and the Family and How the Practice of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling Has Responded, A. Carolyn Hooker
Culminating Project for Lindenwood 4, Sandi Janson
A Study of Practical Application of an Activities Approach in an Educational Setting, Dennis C. Lane
Group Treatment of Anorgasmia, Mona LaVine
Holistic Health: An Approach to Healing as it Relates to Cancer Counseling, Lorraine Miller
A Classroom Experience with Self-Image Enhancement as a Factor in Academic Achievement, Katherine Kellems Moore