Theses from Lindenwood University students.
Certain language choices and themes found within uploaded files are indicative of other times and views. We realize that some material here could be harmful and/or triggering to encounter. The items are shared not without care, but out of a desire to engage with any potential value the material has as a historical item that helps us understand past contexts, assists us in the study of changes and progress over time, and a hope that by learning from our history we gain insight into attitudes that may still have impact today.
Our current values and work for standardizing diversity, equity, and inclusion at Lindenwood University can be found on the webpage of our Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
Theses from 2000
The Relation of Job Satisfaction to Degree of Disclosure About One's Sexual Orientation for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Educators, Jane Ellen Miles
Relationship Between Locus of Control and Self-Esteem As Well As Locus of Control and Life Satisfaction in Persons Who Are Physically Disabled, Patricia Kaye Mitchell
The Effect of Binaural Auditory Beats on the Anxiety and Psychological Hardiness Levels of Graduate Students, Terry L. Moore
Perceived Social Support of Survivors of Suicide Who Attend a Support Group Compared to Those Survivors of Suicide Who Are Non-Attendees, Tina M. Murphy
Correlates of Offenders Among Individuals with Severe Emotional Disturbances, Jaimie Peoples
Effects of Father-Absence on Male Sex Role, Terri L. Portrell
The Relationship Between Residential Status and Perception of Psychological Separation Among Young College Students, Stephanie G. Raines
Using a Multiple Intelligence Checklist in Determining Multiple Intelligence, Rebecca Vee Ralston
Relationship Between Academic Burnout and Employment Status in Graduate Counseling Students, Teresa L. Ray
Leadership and Communication in the Transition to Virtual, Mark K. Reighard
Bipolar Disorder and Locus of Control: Implications for Treatment Compliance, Linda J. Ryan-Cox
Money As An At-Risk Factor For Student Loneliness, Chad T. Towers
Theses from 1999
Aggression and School Performance Among Seventh-Grade Students Enrolled in a Midwestern Suburban Middle School: A Social-Cognitive Behavioral Perspective, Gayle G. Anderson
A Method of Teaching Oral Communications to Adults, John C. Bettag
Issues of Spirituality and Gender Differences, Michael J. Brawn
Impact of Personality Type on Marital Satisfaction, Patricia A. Brown
The Relationship Between Working Status of Mothers and Parental-Child Attachment, Sherri Denise Brown
Crisis Communication Response for Field Offices of the Airline Pilots Association, Gina L. Butikofer
The Herbert Pickering Lewis Collection of Talavera Poblano, Lynn Carlson
A Study of the Relationship of Adolescent Self-Esteem with Parental and Peer Attachment, Julie A. Cervenka
Position and Power: Birth Order and its Relationship to Personality Type, Lesa M. Chastain
One of Tennessee's Women, Jeanne Chinn
Co-Parenting Influences: A Positive Report for the Millenium, Andrea Chrismer-Still
A Comparison of Self-Esteem in Stepfather and Nuclear Family Children, Nancy Briggs Collins
The Co-Occurrence of Substance Abuse and Domestic Abuse and Domestic Violence Victimization in Incarcerated Females, Beverly J. Cornejo
The Impact of an At-Risk Program in an Elementary School, Christine Ann Crawford
Underachieving Women and Girls: A Choice Between Career and Family, Annie Dunavan
American Comedy Film as Mass Communication: The Audience Experience, Amy Ealy
The Relationship Between Personality Type and Career Pathway Choices Among Ninth and Tenth Grade Students, Margaret McIlroy Goodin
The Knowledge of Dementia Among Nursing Staff Working in Special Care Units, Julia M. Gray
Consequences of Using Fear as a Motivator and Its Effects on the Employer / Employee Relationship, Nicole M. Griggs
The Influence of Health Care Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction, Mary Ann Hackmeister
Knowledge and Attitudes Among Graduate Counseling Students at a Private Midwestern University Toward Transracial Adoptions, Rebecca Hamer
Elder Abuse: A Need for Awareness, Jill M. Hannagan
The Rural Older Adult Population and Transportation Services, Penny L. Isenmann
A Comparison Among Older and Younger Caregivers of Physically Disabled Adults and Their Ability to Handle Stress, Traynette Jenkins-Reese
An Examination of Gender and AA Status Effects on the Relapse Potential of Alcoholics Anonymous Participants, Reginald A. Johnson
The Relationship Between Self-Esteem. Locus of Control, and Gender Among College Athletes, Rhonda J. Kane
The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Caregiver Burden in Female Social Workers Who Care for an Elderly Relative, Joanne K. Kerns
Women Experiencing Depression [within] the Three Denominations of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative and Reform, Amy Kopman
Relationship Between a Therapist's Locus of Control, Therapeutic Orientation, and Directiveness of Therapeutic Communication, Amy Suzanne Lammers
Effects of Religiosity and Problem Type on Counselor Description Ratings: An Alternative Population Study to Guinee and Tracey, Victor W. Landers
Freedom of the Press in Democratic Countries, Chiao-Yen Lin
The Benefits of Corporate Wellness Programs, Paul Lonigro
Career Maturity: A Comparative Study of Adults with Attention-Deficit Disorder and Adults Without Attention-Deficit Disorder, Christine L. Mason
Self-Managed Work Teams: How Implementation Plans Affect Success or Failure, Julia E. Meeker
The Relationship Between External Locus of Control and Test Anxiety in Late Adolescence, Diana L. Michaelson
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Coping Strategies of Adolescents and Parental Marital Status, Sheri Morrison
Parents' Predictions of Children's Responses on the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, Sheila J. Murphy
The Relationship Between School Counselor's Perception of a Supportive School Climate and Reported Level of Job Satisfaction, Kimberly A. Nelson
Between Heaven and Hell: The Plight of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Miner, Rebecca C. Norris
A Study of the Impact of Peer Mediation on Attitudes and Behavior of Sixth Grade Students, Melanie Penerman
Beyond the Pose, Maryellen Picker
Depression, Well-Being, and St. John's Wort, Katherine M. Randolph
A Study of the Relationship Between the Ego Identity and Reported Relationship Satisfaction of Lesbian Women in Long Term Relationships, Sheila D. Reed
A Study of Factors Related to Children's Interest in Television Violence, Stacy Melinda Renfrow
The Design and Implementation of a Business Plan for an Internet Service Company, Gia K. Reynolds
The Impact of Geographic Mobility Upon Early Adolescents' Perceived Level of Peer Acceptance, Alicia Diaz Sachan
Intimacy in Marriage: A Comparison Between Married Men with Children and Married Men Without Children, Kurt D. Soell
Parental Attachment and Schizophrenia: Is There a Relationship?, Madonna Marie Terbock
An Analysis on the Effects of Social Context in the Display of Anger in Children, Angie VanMeter
An Investigation Into the Ingredients Necessary for a Successful Implementation of SAP, Benjamin T. Wilson
Differences in Self-Perceived Family Health Between Eating Disordered and Non-Eating Disordered Individuals, Karen M. Wright
Theses from 1998
Developing Institutional Communications Plan for Supporting International Students, Aura Z. Castrellon Acedo
The Role of Sound and Sound Effects in Theatrical Productions, Sheila K. Adams
MMTIC as an Indicator of At-Risk Elementary and Middle School Students, Karen Allen
Current Trends in Designing a Therapeutic Milieu for the Victims of Alzheimer's Disease, Nancy J. Allen
A Study of the Relationship Between Fear of Intimacy and Gender, Amy Regina Anderson
Effects of Training and Development on Job Satisfaction, Lora Applebury
Managing Diversity in the Global Economy, Kathia G. Arjona
The Medicare Program: Ripe for Reform, Gina M. Barhoumy
The Impact of Sports Participation on Adolescent Eating Disorders, Joyce Barker
The Effects of Self-Esteem on Reading and Math Achievement in Third and Fifth Grade Students, Carol Ann Beatty
Health Aspects of Native American Indians and Alaskan Natives, Beverly V. Bennett-Maine
Building a Secure Intranet, Fred J. Berryman
Effects of Divorce on the Self-Concept of Middle School Students, Robyn Jeanette Brady
Depression or Suicide in the Elderly: A Guide for Caregivers, Betty Lou Browning
The Entrepreneurially-Minded Employee's Guide to Career Management, Linda Y. Brown
Army Officer Evaluation Report: Past, Present, and Future, Jason Brownrigg
The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Academic Motivation Among Male Secondary Education Students, John Luddy Burke III
Awareness and Usage of Alternative Medicine in the Elderly Black Population, Deborah Martin Burks
The Effect of Humorous Advertising on Viewer in Television Medium, Monica del Carmen Carrera Vergara
The Impact of Minimum Wage Legislation on the Working Class Poor, Mary Ching
Designing the Theatre of the Deaf, Marie L. Collings
The Role of Good Nutrition. Good Physicians and the Advantages of Alternative Medicine: An Educational Program for Senior Adults, Violet Connoyer
Partnering with Profs, Patrick J. Cooney
Ethics in Media Communication and the Right to Privacy, Jane M. Decker
An Understanding and a Quest for Excellence in Human Resources at an Urban Public School District, Juliette E. Douglas
A Comparison of Perceived Parenting Stress Levels of Employed, Married Mothers and Employed Married Fathers, Melissa D. Duchatschek
A Business Plan for a Case Management and Home Health Agency, Zeporah A. Dunbar
Children's Type A Behavior Pattern As It Relates to Self Esteem, Tami N. Earlewine
The USAR Company Command Handbook: A Study of Potential Benefit and Impact on Effective Performance by Army Reserve Leadership, David Winston Fielder
The Reciprocal Effects of Aging and the Ability to Choose and Wear Clothes of One's Choice, Patricia A. Forde
Identification of Dynamic Risk Predictors of Sexual Recidivists on Community Supervision in Maricopa County, Boyd Frick
The Efficacy of Teaching Conflict Resolution, Joan E. Grigaitis
Self Esteem of College Age Adult Children of Alcoholics and Adult Children of Non-Alcoholics, Diana Lynn Grissom
Pieces of My Puzzle, In Search of the Big Picture, Leann M. Haferkamp
An Examination of the Correlation Between Financial Ratio Analysis and Stock Price, Janet S. Hawn
An Empirical Study on the Differences of Task-Orientation Skills and People-Orientation Skills of Upper and Lower Management in an Organization, Michelle A. Heppermann
A Study to Determine Market Acceptability of a Skin Replacement Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds, Henry A. Holzapfel