Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art

First Advisor

Marilyn Patterson

Second Advisor

Peggy Ederer

Third Advisor

Charlotte Reynolds


Alternative medicine covers a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches and therapies. When these therapies are used alone they are referred to as ' alternative'. When they are used with conventional therapies or other alternative therapies then they are referred to as complimentary.

Alternative medicine also embraces health beliefs and practices that fall outside of orthodox medicine. They offer the opportunity for an individual or case manager to explore alternative forms of healing when conventional treatment alone is not effective. Research has shown an increased interest in alternative medicine for the treatment of chronic illness.

The overall goal of this project was to develop a tool that case managers could use in the elderly black community to determine interest, usage and perception of effectiveness of alternative medicine. Diseases prevalent in the black elderly were targeted in the survey along with treatments options found through the research process.

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