Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Mass Communication



First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Donna Charron

Third Advisor

Suzi Sakahara


Ever since freedom of the press was established along with the democratic system, how much limitation to impose on free press has been an arguable issue. This study discusses freedom of press from authoritarian to libertarian systems. Free press indeed is an inalienable right in democracy; however, the imperfections under liberalism and capitalism need to be attended and reviewed. The purpose in this study is to develop guidelines to retain respectable journalism and to elevate the ethics of the press.

Research cases relative to the most common problem-invasion of privacy-establish one area of irresponsibility of the press in the contemporary democratic world. Other issues, such as sensationalism and distortion along with the motives behind them, are explored. Philosophical ideas of rights and duties are applied to help establish guidelines for addressing a societal wide press problem.

A free press and responsible journalism is based upon the press's own self-discipline, the enforcement of legal restrictions, and the monitoring of the public. In democratic countries, the so-called free marketplace or socially responsible society is discussed as the ideal theoretical model. In the real world, however, speed, competition and business profits too often drive the reporters or the press's managers to fail in their responsibility, looking for sensational and yellow news stories to attract the public. The public loves buying tabloids, reinforcing the press's low tastes and values.

Because journalism fails in its duty, as society's 4th Estate, stricter laws need to be considered to protect people's right to privacy and insure responsible news coverage. Another effective power to limit the press's excesses, can be applied by professional organizations, including the university. Licensing the press is one option that is explored, along with legal alternatives.
