Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art

First Advisor

Pamela Nickels

Second Advisor

Edward Doerr

Third Advisor

Anita Sankar


The Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale was administered to 50 fifth-grade students (30 boys and 20 girls) attending a suburban, middle class public school. Their parents (45 mothers, 3 fathers, 1 mother/father combined, 1 unidentified) responded to the same self-concept measure "as they believed their child would respond." Mean scores for parents were higher than mean scores for students in six of the seven scales, suggesting a tendency for parents to overestimate the self-attitudes of their children. However, two-tailed! tests for paired observations showed significant mean differences for only two scales. Pearson product-moment correlations revealed significant positive relationships between students' scores and parents' scores for all seven scales, suggesting that parents may be able to infer the relative importance of particular self-concept dimensions for their fifth-grade children.

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