Scholarship from Lindenwood University faculty.


Submissions from 2018


Let's talk about sex: where are the young females in blood flow restriction research?, Brittany R. Counts, Lindy M. Rossow, Kevin T. Mattocks, J. Grant Mouser, Matthew B. Jessee, Samuel L. Buckner, Scott J. Dankel, and Jeremy P. Loenneke


Millennials: Trends, Characteristics and Perspectives, Megan W. Gerhardt and Joy V. Peluchette


Millennials: Trends, characteristics and perspectives, Megan W. Gerhardt and Joy van Eck Peluchette


The acute effects of a multi-ingredient pre-workout supplement on resting energy expenditure and exercise performance in recreationally active females, Michael Cameron, Clayton L. Camic, Scott Doberstein, Jacob L. Erickson, and Andrew R. Jagim


Turning Graveyards into Parks: The Rural Cemetery Movement in the Ozarks, Jeffrey Smith


Veteran Americans: Literature and citizenship from revolution to reconstruction, Benjamin Cooper

Submissions from 2017


Exploring the Standing Barbell Overhead Press, Jordan Kroell and Mike Jonathan


What Makes Professional Development Coherent? Uncovering Teacher Perspectives on a Science Literacy Project, Angela M. Kohnen and Michelle P. Whitacre


A change in landscape: Lessons learned from abandonment of ancient Wari agricultural terraces in Southern Peru, Ana C. Londoño, Patrick Ryan Williams, and Megan L. Hart


Our God loves justice: An introduction to Helmut Gollwitzer, W. Travis McMaken


The influence of exercise load with and without different levels of blood flow restriction on acute changes in muscle thickness and lactate, Jeremy P. Loenneke, Daeyeol Kim, Christopher A. Fahs, Robert S. Thiebaud, Takashi Abe, Rebecca D. Larson, Debra A. Bemben, and Michael G. Bemben


The Slave-making Ant Formica Gynocrates (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Mary Talbot


Social Parasitism Among Ants at the E.S. George Reserve in Southern Michigan, Mary Talbot


A List of the Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Edwin E. George Reserve, Livingston County, Michigan, Mary Talbot


Habitats and Populations of the Ant Stenamma Diecki Emery in Southern Michigan, Mary Talbot


Reverse Lunge With Single-Arm Kettlebell Overhead Press, Richard Handy and Chad Kerksick


Snatch Balance Technique, Mary Altepeter and Jonathan Mike


The Rural Cemetery Movement: Places of Paradox in Nineteenth-Century America, Jeffrey Smith


'Waifs and Strays of Town Talk': The Gossip Column, Lauren McCoy


Effect of Carbohydrate, Caffeine, and Carbohydrate + Caffeine Mouth Rinsing on Intermittent Running Performance in Collegiate Male Lacrosse Athletes, Patrick Dolan, Kimi M. Peterson, and Chad M. Kerksick


International society of sports nutrition position stand: nutrient timing, Chad M. Kerksick, Shawn Arent, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Jeffrey R. Stout, Bill Campbell, Colin D. Wilborn, Lem Taylor, Doug Kalman, Abbie E. Smith-Ryan, Richard B. Krieder, Darryn Willoughby, Paul J. Arciero, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, Michael J. Ormsbee, Robert Wildman, Mike Greenwood, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, Alan A. Aragon, and Jose Antonio


Five Species of the Ant Genus Acanthomyops (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) at the Edwin S. George Reserve in Southern Michigan, Mary Talbot


Money and velocity during financial crises: From the great depression to the great recession, Richard G. Anderson, Michael Bordo, and John V. Duca


Real activities manipulation by bidders prior to mergers and acquisitions, Javeria Farooqi, Thanh Ngo, and Surendranath Jory


Two Pests Overlap: Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Use of Fruit Exposed to Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), Megan Woltz, Nik G. Wiman, and Jana C. Lee


Among Races, Nations, and Diasporas: Genealogies of “La bamba” in Mexico and the United States, Theodore Cohen


Breeding Pond Occupancy of the Ringed Salamander (Ambystoma annulatum) in East-central Missouri, John A. Crawford, Joshua A. Tunnage, and Eric M. Wright


Effects of derivatives usage and financial statement items on capital market risk measures of Bank stocks: evidence from India, Gaurango Banerjee, Abhiman Das, Kalidas Jana, and Shekar Shetty


Female Entrepreneurship and IQ, Rik W. Hafer


Detritus Quality Produces Species-Specific Tadpole Growth and Survivorship Responses in Experimental Wetlands, Kyle Barrett, John A. Crawford, Zachary Reinstein, and Joseph R. Milanovich


Appendicular lean mass and site-specific muscle loss in the extremities correlate with dynamic strength, Robert S. Thiebaud, Jeremy P. Loenneke, Takashi Abe, Christopher A. Fahs, Lindy M. Rossow, Daeyeol Kim, Travis W. Beck, Debra A. Bemben, Rebecca D. Larson, and Michael G. Bemben


He Dreams of Dragons: Alchemical Imagery in the Medieval Dream Visions of King Arthur, Melissa Ridley Elmes


Replication, Meta-analysis, and Research Synthesis in Economics, Richard G. Anderson and Areerat Kichkha


“The City is filled with Exhibitions & Places of Amusement”: George and Clara Catlin in London, Jeffrey Smith


Edmund Yates and the Voice of Society Journalism, Lauren McCoy


Unilateral Dumbbell Clean and Jerk, Lori O'Reilly, Chad M. Kerksick, and Betsy Feutz


Between Text and Sermon: Daniel 3, Alan Myers


Complexity-thinking and social science: Self-organization involving human consciousness, Stephen A. Sherblom


New estimates on the relationship between IQ, economic growth and welfare, R. W. Hafer


The Effects of Eccentric Contraction Duration on Muscle Strength, Power Production, Vertical Jump, and Soreness., Jonathan N Mike, Nathan Cole, Chris Herrera, Trisha VanDusseldorp, Len Kravitz, and Chad M Kerksick


Effects of an amylopectin and chromium complex on the anabolic response to a suboptimal dose of whey protein, T. N. Ziegenfuss, H. L. Lopez, A. Kedia, S. M. Habowski, J. E. Sandrock, B. Raub, Chad M. Kerksick, and A. A. Ferrando


Implementing Landmine Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift into an Athlete's Training Program, Ashley N. Weaver and Chad M. Kerksick


Among Races, Nations, and Diasporas: Genealogies of “La bamba” in Mexico and the United States, Theodore W. Cohen


A Side of Family, Hold the Mother: Dare Wright and Her Fictive Kin in the Lonely Doll Series, Heather Brown-Hudson


Foreword: We Who Lived: Two Teenagers in World War II Poland. Hava Bromberg Ben-Zvi. McFarland Books, 2017., Justine Pas


Lymphoma Therapy and Adverse Events: Nursing Strategies for Thinking Critically and Acting Decisively, Amy Goodrich, Nina Wagner-Johnston, and Dana Delibovi


The Other Women’s Lives: Translation Strategies in the Global Feminisms Project, Justine Pas and Magdalena Zaborowska


The Papist Represented: Literature and the English Catholic Community, 1688-1791, Geremy Carnes


The Politics of Relay Translation and Language Hierarchies: The Case of Stanisław Lem’s Solaris, Justine M. Pas


The Prisoners’ Dilemma: Strategies and Ruses in the Inquisitorial Jails of Early Modern Cuenca, Patrick J. O'Banion


Where are we? Why are we here? where are we going? how do we get there? the future of qualitative research in american criminology, Richard Wright, Scott Jacques, and Michael Stein

Submissions from 2016


Carbohydrate intake and resistance-based exercise: are current recommendations reflective of actual need?, Kurt A. Escobar, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, and Chad M. Kerksick


Semipermeability of concrete for hazardous waste containment, Megan L. Hart, Ana C. Londoño, and Alexander A. Silvius


Anthropology, Conflict, and International Relations, Raymond Scupin Ph.D.


Detritus Quality and Locality Determines Survival and Mass, but Not Export, of Wood Frogs at Metamorphosis, Joseph R. Milanovich, Kyle Barrett, and John A. Crawford


Nutritional Challenges and Strategies for the Bariatric Patient and How Fitness Professionals Can Provide Support, Charles Bova, Elizabeth Fox, Michelle Alencar, and Chad Kerksick


Readings on L2 reading: Publications in other venues 2015–2016, Shenika Harris, Carolina Bernales, Gabriela Romero-Ghiretti, Haley Dolosic, Huan Liu, and Tracy Van Bishop


Effect of a Multi-Nutrient Over-the-Counter Supplement on Changes in Metabolic Rate and Markers of Lipolysis, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, Hector L. Lopez, Jennifer E. Sandrock, A. Wiiliam Kedia, Scott Habowski, and Chad Kerksick


Evidence of the Value of the Smoking Media Literacy Framework for Middle School Students, Melinda C. Bier, Lara Zwarun, and Stephen A. Sherblom


Effects of derivatives usage and financial statement items on capital market risk measures of Bank stocks: evidence from India, Guarango Banerjee, Abhiman Das, Kalidas Jana, and Shekar Shetty


Early Modern Art Theory. Visual Culture and Ideology, 1400-1700, James Hutson


Temperature-independent, seasonal fluctuations in immune function of the mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), F. C. Sandmeier, K. R. Horn, and C. R. Tracy


A Two-Part Approach to Examine the Effects of Theacrine (TeaCrine®) Supplementation on Oxygen Consumption, Hemodynamic Responses, and Subjective Measures of Cognitive and Psychometric Parameters, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, Scott M. Habowski, Jennifer E. Sandrock, A. William Kedia, Chad M. Kerksick, and Hector L. Lopez


Comparative Effects of Vigorous-Intensity and Low-Intensity Blood Flow Restricted Cycle Training and Detraining on Muscle Mass, Strength, and Aerobic Capacity, Daeyeol Kim, Harshvardhan Singh, Jeremy P. Loenneke, Roberts. Thiebaud, Christopher A. Fahs, Lindy M. Rossow, Kaelin Young, Dong-il Seo, Debra A. Bemben, and Michael G. Bemben


William Clark: Explorer and Diplomat (Notable Missourians), Jeffrey Smith


Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Correlates of Mental Health Services Use among Pregnant Women with Depressive Symptoms, Ja Jen Cheng, Maya Tabet, Keith Elder, Deborah W. Kiel, and Louise H. Flick


Talk nerdy to me: The role of intellectual stimulation in the supervisor-employee relationship., Jack Smothers, Randa Doleh, Kevin Celuch, Joy Peluchette, and Kevin Valadares


The Support System for Riverine Trade in the United States, Steve J. Dasovich


Employee beliefs regarding the impact of unconventional appearance on customers in Mexico and Turkey, Katherine Karl, Joy Van Eck Peluchette, and Leda McIntyre Hall


Employee beliefs regarding the impact of unconventional appearance on customers in Mexico and Turkey, Katherine Karl, Joy V. Peluchette, and Leda McIntyre Hall


“They will know our hearts”: Practicing the Art of Dissimulation on the Islamic Periphery, Patrick J. O'Banion


Biographical Essay: Eva Hoffman, Justine Pas


Conduct and Character: The Feast Scene and Characterization in A Lytell Geste of Robyn Hode, Melissa Elmes


St. Louis as Historical Hub, Jeffrey Smith


The Acute Effects of Hold–Relax Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation With Vibration Therapy on Glenohumeral Internal-Rotation Deficit, W. Steven Tucker


The Science of Fiction in Daniel Deronda, Brooke D. Taylor

Submissions from 2015


Beyond “Difference”: Examining the Process and Flexibility of Racial Identity in Interracial Marriages, Stephanie E. Afful, Corinne Wohlford, and Suzanne Stoelting


Interethnic Marriage in the United States: An Introduction, Stanley O. Gaines Jr., Eddie M. Clark, and Stephanie Afful


The Historiography of Texts and Textiles in Thomas of Woodstock, Lea Luecking Frost


Cyberbullying victimization: Do victims’ personality and risky social network behaviors contribute to the problem?, Joy V. Peluchette, Katherine Karl, Christa Wood, and Jennifer Williams


“Katherine Dunham’s Mexican Adventure”, Theodore W. Cohen


Representación femenina y canon vanguardista: mirada feminizante en La señorita, Gabriela Romero-Ghiretti


Comparison of air-displacement plethysmography results using predicted and measured lung volumes over a protracted period of time, Ronald Otterstetter, Kelly E. Johnson, Dana L. Kiger, Sarah E. Agnor, Rachele M. Kappeler, Megan Reinking, and Kathryn Tessmer


Nutrient Timing, Chad M. Kerksick and Nathan H. Cole


Andrew H. Van de Ven: Reflections on Current and Future Challenges in Engaged Scholarship, Joy Peluchette and Megan W. Gerhardt


Effects of age on arterial stiffness and central blood pressure after an acute bout of resistance exercise, Robert S. Thiebaud, Christopher A. Fahs, Lindy M. Rossow, Jeremy P. Loenneke, Daeyeol Kim, J. Grant Mouser, Travis W. Beck, Debra A. Bemben, Rebecca D. Larson, and Michael G. Bemben


Institutional investors’ activism and credit ratings, Javeria Farooqi, Surendranath Jory, and Thanh Ngo


Intramuscular phosphagen status and the relationship to muscle performance across the age spectrum, Chad M. Kerksick, Michael D. Roberts, Vincent J. Dalbo, and Kyle L. Sunderland


A Moral Experience Feedback Loop: Modeling a system of moral self-cultivation in everyday life, Stephen A. Sherblom


Forecasting National Recessions Using State-Level Data, Michael T. Owyang, Jeremy Piger, and Howard J. Wall


Protein Applications in Sports Nutrition—Part II Timing and Protein Patterns, Fat-Free Mass Accretion, and Fat Loss, Kurt A. Escobar, Trisha A. McLain, and Chad M. Kerksick


Increased meal frequency attenuates fat-free mass losses and some markers of health status with a portion-controlled weight loss diet, Michelle K. Alencar, Jason R. Beam, James J. McCormick, Ailish C. White, Roy M. Salgado, Len R. Kravitz, Christine M. Mermier, Ann L. Gibson, Carole A. Conn, Deborah Kolkmeyer, Robert T. Ferraro, and Chad M. Kerksick


Momentum Strategies in Shari’ah-Compliant Stocks: The Role of Debt, Javeria Farooqi, Thanh Ngo, Daniel Huerta-Sanchez, and Haiwei Chen


Impact of creatine on muscle performance and phosphagen stores after immobilization, Jeremy C. Fransen, Micah Zuhl, Chad M. Kerksick, Nathan Cole, Steve Altobelli, Dean O. Kuethe, and Suzanne Schneider


Protein Applications in Sports Nutrition—Part I Requirements, Quality, Source, and Optimal Dose, Trisha A. McLain, Kurt A. Escobar, and Chad Kerksick


Effect of post-exercise caffeine and green coffee bean extract consumption on blood glucose and insulin concentrations, Jason R. Beam, Ann L. Gibson, Chad M. Kerksick, Carole A. Conn, Ailish C. White, and Christine M. Mermier


How to Incorporate Eccentric Training Into a Resistance Training Program, Jonathan Mike, Chad M. Kerksick, and Len Kravitz


Liquidity: Systematic Liquidity, Commonality, and High-Frequency Trading, Richard G. Anderson, James M. Binner, Björn Hagströmer, and Birger Nilsson


Antiproliferative and Antiestrogenic Activities of Bonediol an Alkyl Catechol from Bonellia macrocarpa, Rosa Moo-Puc, Edgar Caamal-Fuentes, Sergio R. Peraza-Sánchez, Anna Slusarz, Glenn Jackson, Sara K. Drenkhahn, and Dennis B. Lubahn


Boundaries and Impressions: Toward Understanding Workplace Encounters With Helicopter Parents, Katherine A. Karl and Joy V. Peluchette