Dissertations from Lindenwood University students.
Dissertations from 2025
The Barriers Preventing Generational Diversity in the Workplace: A Design-Based Research Study on Generational Diversity in the Workplace, Bryan T. Benke
Resiliency Training for Music Therapy Students During Fieldwork Experiences, Crystal Weaver
Dissertations from 2024
A Case Study of Technology Integration at a Community College During a Disruption of Learning Due to a Global Pandemic, Cara Suzanne Barth-Fagan
Exploring Student Veterans Barriers, Alexandra Brandriff
The Impact of Trauma in Urban Communities on Educators and How They Prevail, Angelique Brown
A Design Thinking Mixed Methods Study on Empathy in a Midwest University Writing Center, Sue Sinclair Edele
Review of Transition Programs for Autistic Students from Pre-k to Elementary School and Elementary School to Middle School in a Midwest Suburban School District, John J. Harrington III
Faculty and Staff Pay Satisfaction and the Impact on Organizational Commitment and Retention, Jennifer Hennings
Conceptual Understanding, Engagement, and Optimal Learning Moments with Problem-Oriented Project Learning in High School Physics, Catherine A. Howell
A Design Based Mixed-Methods Study on Library Marketing and Communication Practices and Stakeholder Perceptions at a Midwestern University, Elizabeth MacDonald
An Exploration of Literacy Instruction in Higher Education Programs in Missouri, Melinda Odom
The Choice of Pre-K: An Examination into Black Caregivers’ Early Childhood Care Decisions and How Early Childhood Care Predicts Black Children’s Educational Outcomes, Anna Grace Rollins
A Design-Based, Mixed Methodology Study on Neurodiversity-Affirming Practices Among Speech-Language Pathologists in a Midwestern School District, Sarah E. Schmid
An Analysis of Teachers’ Viewpoints from Public, Private, and Charter Schools on Effective Lesson Planning and Instruction, Samone Smith
A Mixed-Methods Study on the Implementation and Perceptions of Grading for Equity Practices in a Sixth Grade Science Midwest Middle School, Lisa Meacham Stein
Readers’ Workshop Model Impact Urban Primary Students’ Motivation and Reading Progress, Narissa Waller
A Design Thinking Mixed Methods Study on Learned Empathy Through Multicultural Education, Samanantha Webb
A Quantitative Content Analysis on Juvenile Crime Rates in Comparison to Student Outcome Data in a Saint Louis Metropolitan High School Setting, Arron Nakia Whitt Sr.
Satellite Campus Enrollment: A Qualitative Investigation of Enrollment Preferences of the Post-Traditional Student, Alexis K. Wood
A Design Thinking Mixed Method Study on Social-Emotional Learning Lessons for Early Elementary Learners, Emily Woodall
Dissertations from 2023
A Correlational Study Examining the Teacher Candidates’ Performance in the Initial Teacher Preparation Programs of a Private Midwestern University, Khitam Issa Yousuf Abdalla
Using Mindfulness Through Doodling in Interactive Notebooking to Increase Student Achievement, Michelle Brown
Administrator Perspectives on Teacher Recruitment and Retention During a Pandemic, Matthew Aaron Carr
An Examination of the CASEL Social and Emotional Learning Standards in Middle School, Nicole Cramer
Student Engagement and the Impact of Successful Completion in a Virtual Alternative Program, Nicole Almiria Davis
Moving Forward with Music to Promote Student Growth: A Mixed Methods Study with 9th-Grade Algebra 1 Students, Willie Mae Dean
A Qualitative Study of Redemptive Intelligence and the Leader’s Opportunity to Grow Performance Through Failure, Jonathan Eastman
Trust, Levels of Functioning, and the PLC Process in a Midwest Middle School: A Case Study, Nancy Fuchs
An Investigation of the Impact Targeted Motivational Efforts and Leadership Styles Have on School Climate, Ashley Nichole Galloway
An Historic Analysis of the Operation of a Truancy Court Conducted in an Urban Middle School, Lisa Gray
The Role of a Roman Catholic Organization in Undergraduate Student Psychosocial Development, Identity Formation and Graduation Rates, Jacob M. Larson
A Mixed-Methods Investigation of How Student Goal-Setting for Improved Learner Behaviors Affects Intermediate Elementary Academic Achievement, Meghan McNulty
What’s the Big Fat Deal?: The Experience of Fat Students in College, Andrea Marie Melrose
Educator Perceptions of Teacher Leadership And Its Impact on School Culture, Colter T. Rantz
Unfit for Slavery: A Qualitative Exploration of African American Male Perceptions of Persistence and Academic Achievement at a Midwest Public Community College, LaVada Rebecca Rice
Student Success Navigators: The Keys to Intrusive Advising, Student Supportive Services, and Academic Success, Kathryn Joyce Stanley-Dietzman
Effects of the Imposter Phenomenon on First-Generation Students’ Academic and Co-curricular Engagement, Ethan Sykes
The Impact of Perceived Principal Efficacy on Instructional Growth Through the Evaluation Protocol, John Richard Thompson III
An Action Research Study on Visible Learning Feedback and Motivational Interviewing Concerning Underserved Advanced Placement Students, Lori A. Vaughn
A Quantitative Methods Examination of the Relationship between Student Academic Performance and the Race and Gender of School Administrators, Tiffaney Whitt
Dissertations from 2022
The Impact of Intervention Programs for Teenagers at Risk among Middle and High School Students in Southeast Missouri, Bryan Austin
Lessons Learned from Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning in a Suburban High School, Stephen Beauchamp
Esports Curricula in U.S. Post-Secondary Institutions: A Case Study, Debra L. Bell
Parental Involvement and the Academic Achievement of Third and Fourth Grade Students During the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 School Years, Rise’ D. Black
The College Admissions Process for Returning Citizens and Ex-Offenders at a Small, Private Midwestern College, Donna Bradley
A Quantitative Study of the Relationships Among Psychological Safety, Collaborative Capacity, and School Climate in Middle-Level Schools, Karen Brownfield
A Quantitative Study on the Impact of Adapted School Instruction as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic on Student Standardized Math Scores in a Midwest Public School District at the Middle School Level, Matthew Walker Buschman
The Effect Changes in the Weather Have on Kindergarten through Third-Grade Students’ Behavior, Sara Michelle Calderon
A Quantitative Comparative Analysis of EdD Persistence Factors, Jeffrey D. Deckelbaum
Correlation of Personal Finance Class and Credit Scores, Betty W. Fagan
The Impact of Peer Mentoring on Freshmen Student-Athlete Retention and Experience, Casey Finnell
A Mixed Methods Study Regarding the Impact Virtual Education had on Teachers During COVID-19, Brandon Richard Foley
A Mixed-Methods Exploration Study on Trauma-Informed Practices Used to Dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline in Public and Private Schools in the City of St. Louis, Jennifer Lauren Gabrian
A Qualitative Investigation of the Development of Teacher Leaders in the Implementation of Grade-Level and/or Departmentalized Professional Learning Communities Across Eight Parochial Schools, Adrienne Leigh Govero
Exploring Perceptions of Math Instructional Practices in Preparation for High-Stakes Testing, Rachel M. Green
The Effect of Universal Design for Learning on Student Engagement and Achievement in a Southwest Missouri School District, Amber D. Hainline
A Quantitative Study Examining Intentional Teaching of Social Emotional Skills, Christina Scrivner Huse
Algebraic Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding: A Mixed Methods Comparison of In-Person and Virtual Classroom Strategies, Erneice J. Jackson
An Investigation of Single-Sex Classrooms in an Urban, Public School Ninth Grade Academy, Vivian Johnson
Effects of Excessive Student Technology Usage On Student Cognitive Engagement, Kristina Leah Loveland
A Student-Designed Learning Management System: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Undergraduate Student Ideas for Improving the LMS, Erin P. Manott Morris
An Examination of Academic Growth in Middle School Students Receiving Tier 3 Instruction and Teacher Perceptions Regarding Mindset, Stephanie M. Opela
The Cultivation of Transformational Leadership In Secondary School Principals, Christian S. Overstreet
A Mixed Methods Investigation of Third Grade Academic Achievement Data: Pre- and Post-Google Chromebook Usage in a Midwest Elementary School, Brittany Powell
A Mixed-Methods Study Examining the Difference Between Closed Captioning and Lexile Levels, Jim Pruitt
A Study of the Perceptions of Relationships Between Teachers and Students and Possible Effect on Standardized Test Scores, Rachel Quintana
Evaluating Transition Programs for Students with Disabilities in a Midwest Suburban School District, Edward J. Rodgers
The Impact of the Black Student Excellence and Enrichment Program on the Retention of Black Students, Angie Royal
Student Attitudes Towards Graduation: A Comparison of Motivation Factors for Greek Life and Non-Greek Life Undergraduate Students, Crystal Sanders
A Study of Hybrid CTE Programming vs. Traditional CTE Programming for Students with IEPs at Two Technical High Schools, Esthere K. Scott
Investigating Self-Directed Learning and Adult Learner Readiness Attributes in a Call Center Environment, Mary Suzanne Scott-Muenter
A Comparative Study of Instructional Perspectives among Learning and Development Practitioners, Merzudin Selimovic
The Impact of Music Education on Middle School Students’ Attendance Rates and Academic Achievement on Math and English Language Arts, Irene Wang Shi
Beliefs About Homework, Elizabeth Rose Taylor Smith
Surmounting Perceived Barriers for Missouri Female Superintendents: A Phenomenological Study, Leslee Kristina Smith
An Analysis of Success Center Directors’ Perceptions Concerning College Remedial Education Programs, Melvin Steele Jr.
A Mixed-Method Study on the Online Learner Readiness Questionnaire Instrument at a Midwest University, Sky Toland
Parent-School Conflict in the Education of Students with Disabilities: Causation, Prevention, and Resolution, Julie Voyles
Mixed-Methods Exploratory Study Investigating the Experiences, Outcomes, Motivations, and Stressors of College-Educated Children of Incarcerated Parents, Ysatis Ne’Cole Williams
Examining Digital Proficiency Perceptions and Differences in Achievement During the Covid-19 Pandemic in a Rural Mid-Western High School, Tiffany Rae James Young
Dissertations from 2021
Modernizing the School Calendar to Fit the Needs of the 21st-Century Student, David K. Baker
The Influence of Implicit Bias on Student Evaluations of Teaching at a Missouri Community College, Kimberly Franklin Berry
Embedded Librarianship and Student Success in Graduate Nursing Programs, Jennifer Marie Brady
Does the Input Equal the Outcome for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities?, Brigid Eileen Bright
A Comparative Analysis of Effective Mathematics Curriculums in the State of Missouri, Matthew Robert Britt
The Impact of Supervisory Roles on Employee Engagement at a Private Midwest University, Brittany D. Brown
New Experience: An Ethnographic Study of Students who Transfer From a Low-Performing Public School District to a Better-Performing Public School District in Missouri, Yolanda J. Campbell