"Beliefs About Homework" by Elizabeth Rose Taylor Smith

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



First Advisor

Kevin Winslow

Second Advisor

Emilie Johnson

Third Advisor

Sherrie Wisdom


This mixed-methods research study aimed to learn the perspectives regarding homework of parents and teachers of students in grades two, three, and four. The definition used to define homework was based on Simplicio’s (2005) definition of homework as a period set aside to put in a plan to expand learning skills and support information that the student gained while in the classroom. There were three research questions that guided this mixed-methods research study; What are the parents’ perceptions of second, third, and fourth-grade students regarding homework? What are the perceptions of second, third, and fourth-grade teachers regarding homework? What are the connections between homework and student achievement?

Data were collected through the use of an online questionnaire, and one-on-one interviews. The sample size for this research was 21 parents and 13 teachers for the questionnaires, and 11 participants (5-parents; 5-teachers; 1-focus group member) were interviewed. The researcher analyzed all data separately. Three themes emerged from the analysis supported by the data sources: (a) Parents’ experiences with homework, (b) Teachers’ experiences with homework, and (c) Increased student achievement. The research findings revealed that parents’ and teachers’ perspectives do differ. Suggestions from researchers to teachers were given to assist with assigning homework. The research also highlighted suggestions for future research based on parents’ and teachers’ data from this research.


Copyright 2022, Elizabeth Rose Taylor Smith.

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