Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



First Advisor

Dr. Robert Steffes

Second Advisor

Dr. Roger Nasser

Third Advisor

Dr. Gwen Grooms


It is has become a concern: the number of people struggling with personal finance and credit scores. It is for this reason that this study scrutinizes the possible influence of one factor on the other. It is undeniable that personal finance influences some futuristic financial decisions and goals, but has the relationship been proven? This study aims to evaluate the correlation between personal finance and financial literacy, using a sample of 15 to 30 high-school students and teachers. The study collected data through interviews and surveys. The data collected were used to formulate the correlation between the course’s success and competency in money management and other financial matters. The significance of the study reiterates the importance of personal finance as a factor influencing adults’ financial literacy. The research is structured starting with the introduction in the first chapter and the literature review in the second. The third chapter details methodology, as the fourth chapter details result analysis. The last chapter, Chapter Five, envelops the discussion, conclusions, recommendations, and limitations. Generally, the study found a positive correlation between passing a personal finance class and financial literacy.


Copyright 2022, Betty Fagan

Included in

Education Commons
