International Journal of Emerging and Disruptive Innovation in Education : VISIONARIUM | Journals | Lindenwood University

International Journal of Emerging and Disruptive Innovation in Education : VISIONARIUM

The journal provides a diverse, interdisciplinary forum for the publication of original peer-reviewed scholarship, data, and research addressing intersections of education and technology. Education in all domains increasingly incorporates emerging technologies and their novel use in learning environments, such as current pedagogical explorations of gamification, mobile and adaptive learning, digital humanities, machine learning, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Immersive Realities, to support innovative teaching methods and engaging learning experiences. With the rise of new educational platforms and metaverses, iJEDIE focuses on emerging trends in research to bridge the artificial divide between scholarship and innovative pedagogical applications. Submissions to iJEDIE will include, but are not limited to, the following themes of interest:

  • Emerging technology and pedagogical application in specific disciplines or learning environments
  • Issues and applications in secondary education
  • Issues and applications in post-secondary education
  • Application of education technology in enterprise, industry, and nonprofit environments

iJEDIE is the sponsor of the panel, Emerging Technologies and the Future of Education. Please visit the website for more information on the schedule, abstracts, and presenter information."

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2024) Human-AI Symbiosis: Ethical, Skill-Based, and Philosophical Implications in Higher Education


MedMicroMaps, A Novel Decision-Tree Guide for Infectious Diseases Differential Diagnoses, and Evaluation of Pre- and Post-Pandemic User Engagement by Preclinical Medical Students
Jason Ceballos, Tavsimran Luthra, Lucia Garces-Torres, Valerie Lentz, Jack Nelson, Claudia Carceles-Roman, Ian Holyoak, and Jane Harrington