
International Journal of Emerging and Disruptive Innovation in Education : VISIONARIUM

Publication Review and Process

  1. Author uploads submission for peer-review, including suggested Reviewers.
  2. Editor-in-Chief runs plagiarism check and preliminary review for appropriateness for journal.
    1. If English is not the author’s first language, a Copy Editor may be assigned to assist with revising before Reviewers are assigned.
    2. IRB and international regulatory review must be completed, if applicable.
  3. If these criteria are met, Editor-in-Chief shares with Senior Editorial Board.
  4. Senior Editorial Board assigns two peer Reviewers. These Reviewers can include members of the Editorial Board or Associate Editors, but not necessarily those suggested by the author.
  5. Once assigned, Reviewers have 21 days to return the completed Journal Review Form to the Senior Editorial Board.
  6. Editors involved in the publication process should provide a decision to the Editor-in-Chief of a submission’s acceptance or rejection within 5 days of receiving Journal Review Forms.
  7. Editor-in-Chief will have 30 days from initial receipt of submission to notify author(s) of a decision.
  8. If the content of the submission is deemed substantial enough but requires a revision, once Reviewer feedback has been addressed, a resubmission may be accepted for review again. (Return to Step 1.)