From Simulacra to Reanimation: Resurrecting the (Un)Dead

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Art and Culture in the Multiverse of Metaverses


The chapter explores the intersection of digital technology and historical reanimation, focusing on how virtual environments and digital tools are used to bring historical figures and narratives back to life. This chapter critically examines the concept of digital necromancy—using technology to “resurrect” historical figures and events for educational and cultural enrichment. It discusses the ethical implications and technological challenges of digitally reconstructing past realities, including the accuracy and authenticity of such representations. The chapter delves into various case studies where digital tools have been employed to recreate significant historical moments and figures, allowing contemporary audiences to interact with and experience the past in immersive ways. It also addresses the potential of these technologies to shape public memory and historical understanding, questioning the boundaries between reality and representation. By analyzing the impact of these reanimations on cultural heritage and collective memory, the chapter provides insights into the transformative effects of digital technologies on our relationship with history. It ultimately argues that while digital reanimation opens up new avenues for education and engagement, it also necessitates careful consideration of the implications for historical authenticity and ethical representation.



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