"How to Survive Your First Year as the...Cheerleading Coach" by Molly M. Maes-Hamer

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Steve Crotz

Third Advisor

Jeff Driskill


Interscholastic activities are intended to supplement the secondary curricular program. These activities can provide the student with educational experiences and learning outcomes that contribute toward the development of good citizenship. This can be accomplished only when the emphasis is placed upon teaching "through school activities." Interscholastic activities can be justified only when this is a primary philosophy and purpose.

Cheerleaders are a very important component of the interscholastic program. Being a cheerleader is a privilege and honor. Cheerleaders should be the school's most effective student leaders. They have the responsibility to serve as a support group for the various interscholastic activity programs within the school. The squad should strive to boost school spirit, promote good sportsmanship, develop positive crowd involvement, and help their school achieve the worthwhile educational objectives in its interscholastic program. The cheerleading squad is not intended to solely develop its members' physical skills and talents for the purpose of entertainment or competition. These activities should serve to develop leadership, confidence. and skill. They should not interfere with the primary responsibility of cheerleaders and their commitment to support the school activity program.

Cheerleaders are in a position of great influence and high standards of conduct are essential. This is the core of developing effective school spirit and student involvement. Strong organization skills lead to a solid cheering program and are the quickest way to gain the confidence of the squad members and administration. Through organization the coach will feel a greater sense of accomplishment and enjoy the responsibilities at hand.

The manual, which is the focus of this project, has been prepared to provide a better understanding of the regulations and policies pertaining to cheerleaders and the provisions for cheerleading squads at the sponsored events. This publication will serve as a guide on how to provide and implement a cheerleading program and offers impute and experience on issues and circumstances relating to all areas of the interscholastic activity of cheerleading.
