"A Comparison of Role Stress in Stepmothers with Residential Stepchildr" by Helena A. Marsh

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Art

First Advisor

Pamela Nickels

Second Advisor

Judy Fletcher

Third Advisor

Jesse B. Harris Jr.


The goal of this research was to test a psychological attitude measure intended to compare the stress experienced by stepmothers whose stepchildren are residential with the stress experienced by stepmothers whose stepchildren are nonresidential and only visit. After a review of the literature a thirty-one item survey, the Role Strain Index for Stepparents (RSIS) was given to the stepmothers of sixty-three children enrolled in grades 6 through 12, at four schools in the St. Louis/St. Charles metropolitan area. A T-test of difference between means was performed and the hypothesis that there was a difference in stress between stepmothers with residential stepchildren and stepmothers with nonresidential stepchildren was not supported.

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