Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Jack Kirk

Second Advisor

Bernie Weinrich


The purpose of this report is two- fold. First, it is to evaluate through various statistical parameters, the importance of small business to our economy and society; namely, unemployment and its effects upon business starts, worker characteristics, product quality with regard to large and small business competition, manufacturing innovation as it applies to the small business management approach the stringent hierarchy of large business and job generation . The second this report attempts to project and/or hypothesize the direction or trend of small business, via accessible government statistics for financing, government regulations, and other related data, in order to understand the needs and requirements of economic stability.

Of approximately nine million firms in the economy today, it is estimated that about 8.5 million are defined by the U.S. government as small businesses. These small businesses are important not only because of their quantitative magnitude, but also because they serve as a vehicle by which ideas for new products and services enter into the marketplace. It is important to note that the very existence of small businesses , including new ones which are being started continually, provides constant stimulation to competition to the economy. This competition enhances t he opportunity for new jobs, better or additional training, and better product development and quality.

What can be done by government changes in regulations or policies and by small business itself will be proven to be the most important aspects to the duration and stability of small business growth and its success in the 1980' s.

Included in

Business Commons
