Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration



First Advisor

E. Jack Kirk

Second Advisor

Bernard Weinrich

Third Advisor

Rosalynn Purcell


The marketing mindset at AT&T Technologies , Inc.-does one exist? This thesis is prepared by a Lindenwood College student and employee of AT&T Technologies, Inc. inspired by t he academic excellence challenge as well as established professional career objectives. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the marketing efforts instituted at this Company.

The literature utilized in conjunction with this research was derived from published material. This was done to preserve the integrity and proprietary needs of such a business . Any recommendations, analysis, and conclusions are made from the basis of this author acting in a consulting capacity.

The focus of this project will be to analyze the marketing capabilities at AT&T Technologies, Inc. ( AT&T-T) . Research will include published financial reports, magazines, compositions, and newspaper reports . Additional analysis will be conducted from a consultant's viewpoint. In addition to research, surveys will supplement this thesis to attain a pulse of the current mindset that resides at AT&T-T. A cross section survey will be used to reach the different levels of employee attitudes.

The information gathered from researching published data will be used to develop strategies and recommendations. The hypothesis that will be tested is as follows: ls AT&T-T market oriented? Do they have the credentials, talent, capacity, knowledge, and skills to run a company competitively yet profitably?

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