"Characteristics and Qualities of the Successful Entrepreneur: An Empir" by Pearl Farer Raskin

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Gareth Gardiner

Second Advisor

Joseph Lonigro

Third Advisor

James Lister


Entrepreneurship has become an increasingly important phenomenon for researchers and policy makers to understand. It is important for job growth, accounting for 80% of new jobs created in the United States. It is a key factor in enhancing technological innovation, productivity growth and per capita income in industrialized nations. Furthermore, it is an important career choice, accounting for roughly one tenth of the labor force at any point in time, and about one fifth of the labor force for some part of their careers (Birley 156).

Many individuals have difficulty bringing their ideas to the market and creating a new venture. However, entrepreneurship and the actual entrepreneurial decision have resulted in several million new businesses throughout the world (Cooper 53).

As evidence by the many different definitions, the term entrepreneurship means different things to different people and can be viewed from different conceptual perspectives. However, in spite of the differences there are common aspects. For example, entrepreneurs are risk takers, creative, and independent. These common attributes will continue to be the driving forces behind the notion of entrepreneurship in the future. Thus, one thing is clear-the future for entrepreneurship appears bright. We are living in the age of the entrepreneur, with entrepreneurship endorsed by educational institutions, governmental units, society, and corporations (67). For that reason, an in-depth look at what qualities an entrepreneur must possess to become successful must be explored.

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Business Commons
