Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Carolyn Scott

Third Advisor

Eric Zetelli


The quality, price and availability of a product (or company) are only important to consumers if they have a need for that product and if they are aware that the product exists. Advertising and promotion make the consumer aware that something is offered to them. Without consumer awareness nothing is sold.

In order to effectively create consumer awareness, an advertiser must know the mood of the buying public, the competitors, and the industry. Through organized gathering of information advertising and promotion may be developed so that consumers may be reached, advertising created, and products sold. This is true of any business, in any industry.

The purpose of this paper is to follow the steps necessary to develop an effective advertising plan for a company. The company that I have chosen to work with is Cushman Interiors, Inc., a custom decorating firm in St. Louis, Missouri.

A plan has been created for Cushman Interiors, Inc. which is designed to aid in the creation of effective advertising that reaches the company's desired audience. From that research I have made recommendations for advertising activities for Cushman Interiors, Inc. to implement.

The areas of research are:

  • Historical Analysis of the conditions of Cushman Interiors, Inc., the industry, specific key competitors, and the buying public;
  • Current Situation Analysis of those same categories;
  • Trend Analysis of what is happening in the industry; the economy; the competition; within Cushman Interiors, Inc.; and how these things are likely to effect the company and its continued growth.

Based on these areas of research and analysis I have developed a general Marketing Plan and Creative Plan. Each of these plans sets objectives to be achieved by the company and its advertising. Each of these also gives strategies for achieving those objectives.

Based on the Marketing and Creative Plans I then developed a Media Plan. In the Media Plan I have made recommendations of media to use to best reach the key target audience members while remaining within the budget parameters set out by the owner of the company. This Media Plan is for an entire year.

An effective plan can generate sales long after the campaign is completed. Haphazard advertising may bring m some customers but it will not create an image of an organized, professional company that the custom product buyer has come to expect.

Included in

Business Commons
