Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Raymond Scupin

Third Advisor

Hal Zimmerman


The purpose of this project is to introduce, to a student at a University level, the Natives of North America. It is only through an in depth study of a people that one might truly know them and understand their ways. One way in which to accomplish this is through implementing a curriculum of North American Studies. The following is an example of such a curriculum proposed for the LCIE Program at Lindenwood College.

Chapter One introduces the reasoning and personal insights that brought this proposal to fruition. It contains personal background and discusses the need for such a class at the University level in the Midwest.

Chapters Two and Three list and discuss many of the books that make up the literature background for the proposed class as well as those proposed in the next chapter for the Class Syllabus.

Chapter Four is the proposed syllabus for a LCIE cross-cultural class entitled "Studies of North American Natives". It includes course titles and descriptions as well as objectives, required texts, teacher/student expectations and a weekly class schedule for a LCIE quarter. It also contains three handouts that will be used in the class.

Chapter Five relates the reasoning behind the use of the required texts, assignments, projects, videos, audios etc. relevant to the aforementioned syllabus.

The entire project is proposed in the hopes that through the study of the Native people of North America, we may better understand ourselves and the environment that sustains us today and in the future.

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