Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science of Corporate and Industrial Communications



First Advisor

Michael Castro

Second Advisor

Joe Ancona

Third Advisor

Betty LeMasters


This project will explore how to overcome barriers that seem to limit young girls from wanting to become young ladies. It will offer suggestions on how to assist young girls with identifying and interpreting internal barrie1·s, e.g. low self esteem, peer pressure, failure to recognize their opportunities, or abilities to discern wrong from right. It will also offer suggestions on how to help young girls realize that beauty comes from within. It will discuss why it is important to provide a loving and safe environment where young girls are given opportunities to express themselves in an atmosphere that lends them support. The program this project describes will have an essential objective, helping young girls understand that they do not have to let their situation or location obscure their destination.

The program will be developed in the form of 14 activities reiterating that it is okay to be different because each participant has been given a special gift. The program will be an eight week event. The first four weeks will focus on the interior while the last four weeks will focus on the exterior. Self esteem is very important to the development of mankind. The author believes that the lack of self esteem is the cause for many women not working at their fullest potential. This harvesting experience will plant the seed that beauty is within, and as a result it will manifest itself in behavior and appearance.

The project will also include a review of literature pertaining to etiquette.
