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SSRG International Journal of Recent Engineering Science


In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has sparked profound questions about the nature of machine intelligence and the possibility of AI consciousness. As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated, examining their philosophical foundations has become imperative. This article investigates the intricate relationship between AI and existential thought, aiming to establish a comprehensive framework for understanding AI's philosophical underpinnings. The historical development of AI, from symbolic AI to contemporary machine learning paradigms, highlights the increasing complexity and sophistication of AI systems, prompting significant philosophical debates about machine consciousness. Theoretical models such as the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM), Integrated Information Theory (IIT), and Global Neuronal Workspace Theory (GNWT) provide frameworks for understanding potential mechanisms of AI consciousness. Recent methods in AI consciousness research, such as integrating consciousness indicators from neuroscientific theories and developing AI systems that exhibit metathinking, creativity, and empathy, represent significant advancements over traditional models. This article also explores ethical considerations, societal impacts, and the necessity for robust regulatory frameworks in developing conscious AI. Addressing these aspects is crucial for ensuring that AI integration into society is ethically sound and beneficial. By synthesizing diverse methodologies and addressing key challenges, this article aims to advance the understanding of AI consciousness and pave the way for future innovations and applications in this transformative field.


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