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International Journal Of Engineering Research And Development


As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, its impact on software development and programming is profound, drawing parallels to the shift from assembler to object-oriented programming. This article explores how AI is reshaping the landscape of software jobs, creating new opportunities rather than diminishing them. By simplifying complex tasks and lowering barriers to coding, AI is expanding the technology "pie," introducing new use cases, and enhancing efficiency. The transition from monolithic services to microservices has reduced risks and accelerated deployment processes, and AI is poised to further this evolution by managing the complexities of service interactions through advanced orchestration layers. Despite fears of job displacement, AI is likely to generate new roles in overseeing and integrating these systems, much like previous technological shifts. The article also underscores the importance of continuous education and skill retooling in the AI-driven future, advocating for more accessible and affordable higher education to equip the workforce with durable skills. As AI continues to integrate into the software industry, it will require human oversight to navigate and manage its complexities, ensuring that the future job market remains robust and dynamic. This article ultimately positions AI not as a job-reducing force, but as a catalyst for expanding opportunities in the software industry, emphasizing the necessity of adapting to and embracing this technological advancement.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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