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International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research


This article explores the complex interplay between pre-enrollment socio-cultural and institutional factors and their impact on the higher education landscape. It challenges traditional metrics of academic achievement, presenting a nuanced perspective on student success that emphasizes the importance of socio-economic backgrounds, cultural capital, and K-12 education quality. The analysis extends to the significant role of institutional attributes in shaping student readiness and decision-making processes. The study advocates for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven assessments by higher education institutions to cater to the diverse needs of the student body, promoting an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Anchored in an extensive review of empirical research and theoretical insights, the article sheds light on the challenges and opportunities posed by external factors that lie beyond institutional control. It calls for a holistic approach to higher education that prioritizes continuous adaptation and the application of evidence-based practices. The conclusion underscores the necessity for future research to investigate innovative strategies that effectively bridge theory and practice, aiming to create an academic community that is not only diverse and inclusive but also optimally positioned for student success in an evolving educational context.

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