Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Lynda Leavitt

Second Advisor

Dr. Kevin Winslow

Third Advisor

Dr. Robyne Elder


This research was a quantitative case study on the possible relationship between school climate, student behavior, student achievement, and classroom facility factors in an urban Midwest high school. Specific variables included lighting, wall color, classroom temperature, school climate, student behavior, and student academic achievement. The researcher collected the following data: student behavior, number of out of school suspensions (OSS) students received in 2014 through 2017, End of Course data, 2014-2017, in the areas of Biology, American Government, English I, and English II. To measure school climate, the researcher used the district’s annual climate survey. School climate survey data measured student and teacher perceptions of school climate. The researcher used an observation sheet to analyze wall color, temperature, and lighting. The researcher measured classroom temperature using an infrared thermometer gun; the observation sheet was marked ‘yes’ if the temperature measured between 73º F and 74º F. Administrators looking to remodel a facility or looking to increase student achievement in a secondary setting could use the results of the study as one model to assess a possible relationship between classroom improvements and student outcomes. The data collected in the study could also possibly assist others seeking a grant to update older buildings within an urban setting. Finally, the information gained from the study could help educators plan and design future buildings. In Chapter Two, literature review, the previous studies suggested a different result from that of the researcher’s data results. Analysis of the lighting variable, did not go according to the study. School climate, however did prove to have a relationship with achievement, but not student behavior.


Copyright 2019
