Date of Award

Fall 8-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Frank Giuseffi

Second Advisor

Dr. Robyne Elder

Third Advisor

Dr. Katherine Herrell


This qualitative case study explored adult keyboard (piano/organ) students in a group environment at a piano/organ store in the Midwest United States. Included in the study was a Level 1 Piano class, a Level 2 Piano class, and one Seniors’ Organ class. The researcher explored the use of andragogical principles in the group keyboard classes based upon the programming and instruction, especially in connection with Knowles’ six assumptions and eight processes of andragogy. In addition, the researcher also focused on the presence of trust in the relationships between instructor(s) and student participants, or the lack thereof. The use of Henschke’s Modified Instructional Perspectives Inventory (MIPI) completed by the instructors and Henschke’s corresponding Instructor’s Perspective Inventory Factors enabled the researcher to compute the instructors’ selfperceptions about trust as it related to their relationships with their adult students. Henschke’s Lifelong Learner Perspective Inventory (LLPI) surveys completed by the student participants enabled the researcher to calculate the students’ overall average trust factors about their instructors. As such, the researcher was able to analyze data obtained from the MIPI and LLPI surveys and establish whether there was congruency between the instructors’ self-perceptions and the student participants’ perceptions of their instructor(s). Another area of focus of the study was community music making and its potential for physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits for adult participants who may then become lifelong music learners.


Copyright 2019
