Date of Award

Spring 3-2011

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Dean Vazis

Second Advisor

Dr. John Oldani

Third Advisor

Dr. Gregory Bergner


High-stakes assessments have encouraged educators to ignore the needs of the top performers. Therefore, the Oakwood School District decided to implement a mathematics pilot enrichment program in order to meet the needs of the advanced mathematics students. As a result, this study used quantitative data to determine if there was a significant change in the academic achievement and attitudes over the course of the year of sixth-grade students in the enrichment math pilot program. The curriculum for the pilot program centered on the same topics as the regular program, however, it involved more application of the basic concepts and of mathematical reasoning in order to solve multistep problems. Twenty-two students were eligible for this program because they scored at the 90th percentile or higher in mathematics on the state achievement test during their third through fifth grade years. Students in the program were male (55%), female (45%), Asian (35%), White (65%), and Gifted and Talented (45%). There were no significant changes from fall to spring in students’ responses to all of the survey questions but one, concerning how often they get good grades in math. Students indicated that they do not find math to be easy and that they do consider themselves to be proficient at math. However, there was a significant change on the advanced assessment which measured how well the students could utilize math skills in order to solve multistep problems and most of the questions discriminated well between higher and lower performing students. Finally, the regression analysis revealed that the best prediction of students’ final scores on the advanced assessment could be made with five measures: post-test raw scores on the district common assessment, pre-test scores on the advanced math assessment, the students’ percentile ranks on the Scholastic Reading Inventory, their scale scores from the fifth grade MAP math assessment, and whether or not they were qualified for the gifted program. These five variables together were strongly correlated with the post-test advanced math assessment results (multiple R = 0.887), and this relationship was definitely statistically significant (F [5, 14] = 10. 305, p < 0.0005). This study was limited to the 22 students in the enrichment class and there was no opportunity to study a control group. Since completion of the study, all five middle schools in the district have implemented an enrichment math program for the sixth grade. Therefore, the researcher suggests that more investigations be completed on the program now that the sample size has grown.


Copyright 2011
