Date of Award

Spring 3-2011

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Sherrie Wisdom

Second Advisor

Dr. Jill Hutcheson

Third Advisor

Dr. Suzanne Hinrichs


The purpose of this study was to identify which Missouri Physical Education Fitness Assessment strategies were implemented by high schools in the Study School District to meet state physical fitness standards and to identify physical fitness personnel perceptions of district-provided support for physical education programs and their possible benefits to students involved. Results may increase reader awareness of fitness related health issues such as teen obesity and early onset diabetes. The secondary data used for this research study was obtained from the study school fitness assessment results. The researcher generated the Teacher Resource survey administered by the district. Responses to the survey allowed the researcher to then generate interview questions for voluntary follow up sessions. The student physical fitness measurements from the school years fall 2007-spring 2008, fall 2008-spring 2009, and fall 2009-spring 2010 were analyzed for highs, lows, trends, and fall-to-spring and year-to-year increases or decreases in student performance, for the study site population, in achieving the Missouri Health Fitness Range requirements for the mile-run, push-ups, sit-ups, and sit and reach fitness indicators. A Seven Point Likert Scale Physical Education Resources Survey was administered to 18 physical education professionals in the Study School District. The survey questions were linked to effective teaching strategies and best practices, which were also linked to the state standards. Interviews were conducted with three PE teachers, one Health teacher and one athletic director from the Study District. The survey data and interview responses were analyzed for similarities and differences. Conclusions and recommendations were formulated. Results of this study may provide information regarding strategies implemented in physical education classrooms in the Study School District, teacher perception of the support for the frameworks of physical education provided by the school district, and teacher perception of the impact physical education programs have on students. This information may be used to make recommendations concerning the best practices necessary in physical education classrooms to promote a positive impact on students. This information may also address recent concerns over fitness and the tendency toward obesity in teens.


Copyright 2011
