Date of Award

Spring 5-2009

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Terry Reid

Second Advisor

Dr. Sherry DeVore

Third Advisor

Dr. Dennis Cooper


With ever-increasing accountability requirements, public schools need to seek the support of the most invested parties, the parents. Despite the good intentions of all involved, finding meaningful ways for schools and parents to collaborate on student learning remains a difficult task. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of Missouri parents and school personnel from the top-performing elementary schools in the state regarding involvement, to determine if a relationship existed between these attitudes and student achievement. Sixty-eight demographically diverse Missouri schools were included in this quantitative, correlational study. Examined were questionnaire items related to parental involvement and reported usage of technology to communicate with these important stakeholders. Relevant data from the Missouri School Improvement Plan's Advanced Questionnaire were compared with achievement scores from the Missouri Assessment Program achievement data. The most statistically significant links to student achievement were found among the variables encouraging parents to be involved and offering strategies to assist with learning at home. In addition, the researcher examined the types and degree of use for participating schools and found they largely rely on electronic mail, web sites, and voicemail to increase parental awareness of school business and performance. Other technologies used less frequently included Listservs, homework hotlines, and calling systems.


Copyright 2009
