Date of Award
Spring 5-2009
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
First Advisor
Dr. Terry Reid
Second Advisor
Dr. Sherry DeVore
Third Advisor
Dr. Jason Anderson
Teacher education programs, professional development, and higher education should provide educators with the information needed to address the ways that boys and girls learn differently. This mixed-methods study discovered the amount of education provided to teachers during their Teacher Education Programs in regards to how girls and boys learn. This study focused on a purposeful sample of five school districts within a chosen region in Missouri. Data were collected from elementary schools within these districts in the fall of 2008. The subjects included a purposeful sample of elementary teachers throughout these districts. In addition, twelve elementary teachers within this region were interviewed to develop a deeper understanding of how this knowledge has impacted their teaching. Overall, the Missouri elementary teachers sampled have had effective training in their Missouri Teacher Certification Program concerning how boys and girls learn differently. Over fifty-percent of the teachers stated that they were effectively taught in concepts related to how boys and girls learn differently (Questions #1-#9) in seven out of the nine questions. Out of the twelve interviews, two teachers remembered being taught how boys and girls learn differently during their Missouri Teaching Certification Program. Ideally, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE) will review their Certification Requirements for Elementary (Grades 1-6) to ensure that teachers are receiving the needed information and training to effectively facilitate learning for all students, regardless of gender. In addition, school districts will begin or continue to support professional development in research-based methods to sustain and strengthen skills in differentiated instruction.
Recommended Citation
Cooper, Elizabeth Anne, "Missouri Elementary Teacher Certification Programs and the Education Provided on How Boys and Girls Learn Differently" (2009). Dissertations. 548.
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