Date of Award

Fall 8-14-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Dr. Robert Steffes

Second Advisor

Dr. Sherrie Wisdom

Third Advisor

Dr. Warletta Brookins


There is no question that education is paramount to student success. The goal of No Child Left Behind (NCLB, 2001), did not work. The last revision of this act, the Every Students Succeeds Act of 2016 is now being implemented, Educators are yet struggling for the panacea that is effective for all students’ competencies in the world. Students from low socio-economic areas are at a greater risk of their educational needs not being met for various reasons. There is the opportunity to reach students in schools in spite of their home situations. Instruction begins and ends with instructional leaders in the buildings; in most cases, this is the principal; this role is to inspect expectations and provide continuous professional development as warranted. The purpose of this study is to examine teachers’ and principals’ perceptions of classroom walkthrough observations, using the Instructional Practices Inventory, from the work of Dr. Jerry Valentine. The goal is to demonstrate that through brief classroom visits by the principal, with feedback, there will be a positive improvement of administrators’ and teachers’ perceptions of classroom walkthroughs. Researchers synopsize walkthroughs as one of many strategies used across the nation for school improvement efforts. The focus of these walkthroughs is not evaluative, but formative in nature, whereby reflective conversations, called feedback, are all about improved student engagement and higher-order thinking. To this end, educational opportunities for students will be broadened and improved conversations with teachers about teaching and learning will occur. Through surveys, interviews, questionnaires, and the statistical analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data, the effectiveness of classroom walkthroughs will be determined.


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